Championship’s latest installment in the U.S. primetime series
hosts a trio of key contests forming the central allure of
ONE Fight Night 22. The event, which is set to go down on May
3, will ignite Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok. Sherdog.com
brings you exclusive live coverage and play-by-play updates
starting at 8 p.m. ET/ 5 p.m. PT.
Round 1
The opening muay thai bout is overseen by Olivier Coste. Climaco
trades leg kicks with Cruz. A body kick by Cruz is caught by
Climaco, who answers back with a body kick of his own. Climaco
working his jab early. Cruz is throwing punches, but they are
coming up short. Climaco lands knees to the body while clinched.
Cruz catches a kick and lands a straight right hand. Nice leg kicks
by Climaco, who is in control. A straight left hand hurts Cruz, who
backs up.
Climaco follows up with a left hand to the body that knocks Cruz
down. Cruz doesn’t get back up and this fight is
The Official Result
Sean Climaco def. Josue Cruz via KO (Punch); R1, 2:06.
Round 1
Saenchai opens with a forceful jab. El Jamari answers back with a
leg kick. Saenchai has a tight guard and is advancing forward. Wild
hooks land for El Jamari, who backs up Saenchai. A nice leg kick
for El Jamari. A heavy body kick for Saenchai finds its home, but
he then eats a right hand. Nice leg kick by Saenchai, who then eats
one from El Jamari. Saenchai eats an elbow. El Jamari lands an
elbow and throws more winging hooks. Saenchai rushes forward and
lands a nice left hook. Close round. 10-9 El Jamari.
Round 2
Saenchai comes out aggressively landing a leg kick and a right
hook. Saenchai looks good, landing another right hook. A left hook
lands for El Jamari, who then finds his mark with several leg
kicks. A right hook hurts El Jamari, who is now cut above his left
eye. Saenchai lands a slick elbow charging forward. El Jamari is
complaining about the cut but is told to fight. Saenchai comes
forward, throwing elbows. El Jamari hurts Saenchai with a left
hook. Saenchai marches forward and lands body kicks. Nice leg kick
by Saenchai. El Jamari eats a left hook and is taunting his
opponent. Saenchai taunts as well. Two right hands land for El
Jamari, who starts throwing wild hooks before eating a body kick.
Saenchai ends the round by throwing several punches to the body.
10-9 Saenchai.
Round 3
El Jamari throws wild hooks and lands a right elbow. Saenchai
eating some shots but goes to the body and hurts El Jamari.
Saenchai throwing left and right hooks as he walks down his
opponent. El Jamari absorbs several body kicks. Saenchai finding
success with his jab. El Jamari gets cornered and eats several body
punches. Saenchai gets rocked by a left hook! He’s still hurt. El
Jamari lands two other hooks and then a big right hook. Probably
could put his opponent away if he threw any straight punches. More
hooks from both men. Saenchai misses with a left hook, and El
Jamari taunts. A step-in elbow from Saenchai lands. The fight ends
with El Jamari taunting rather than fighting. 10-9 El Jamari (29-28
The Official Result
Zakaria El Jamari def. Thongpoon PK Saenchai via Unanimous
Decision; R3, 3:00.
Round 1
Our first MMA bout of the evening. Grandjean defends a takedown and
answers back with a knee to the body. Sawada falls after missing a
high kick. Sawada goes deep on a takedown and gets the back of
Grandjean. Sawada loses position but after a scramble ends up in
half-guard. Grandjean is eating punches and elbows, unable to get
up. Sawada looks for an Americana but has to settle for some
elbows. The round expires with Grandjean regaining full guard and
then eating a knee as she gets up. 10-9 Sawada, although One MMA
fights are judged as a whole rather than by rounds.
Round 2
Grandjean stuffs a takedown attempt but Sawada is persistent and
winds up dragging Grandjean to the ground anyhow. Grandjean is in
full guard. Sawada gets into half-guard and is landing plenty of
punches. Grandjean is cradled and eating dozens of punches as her
hand is trapped. Sawada can’t get into mount but is happy to do
damage while completely safe. Total domination so far. They
scramble but Sawada winds up in half-guard again. 10-9 Sawada.
Round 3
Grandjean comes out and lands a nice right hand. However, she
throws a body kick, it is caught and Sawada takes her opponent
down. Sawada is in full guard initially but is able to pass to side
control. Grandjean is eating elbows and knees to the face. Sawada
is outclassing her opponent. Sawada lands several knees to the
head, forcing Grandjean to cover up. Sawada loses position going
for an armbar but lands two brutal knees to the head in a scramble.
Grandjean goes for an armbar but gives up and is now in full guard
again. Sawada gets into half-guard with a minute left. Grandjean
gives up side control and then her back. Sawada gets her hooks in
and starts pounding out Grandjean, who is saved by the bell. 10-9
Sawada (30-27 Sawada).
The Official Result
Chihiro Sawada def. Noelle Grandjean via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Sitsongpeenong eats leg kicks but is finding success with some
punches inside. Shumarov is pressuring and throws punches to the
body. Solid leg kick lands for Shumarov. Sitsongpeenong having
success with his jab. A huge overhand right lands for Shumarov.
Sitsongpeenong recovers well and is continuing to throw straight
punches back. A knee to the body lands for Sitsongpeenong. Shumarov
keeps going back to the right hand and is also ripping the body
with kicks. Nice body work by Shumarov. Sitsongpeenong answers with
a head kick but eats an uppercut. Shumarov ends the round with a
series of hooks as they slug it out. 10-9 Shumarov.
Round 2
Sitsongpeenong lands a knee to the body. Shumarov answers with leg
kicks. Sitsongpeenong with a nice 1-2 and then a jumping knee to
the body. Shumarov is struggling to get in close as Sitsongpeenong
is counter-striking well. Another big knee to the body for
Sitsongpeenong. Shumarov is doing some nice bodywork with punches
landing. Sitsongpeenong is one step quicker, but Shumarov lands a
nice left hook. Shumarov with a hook to the body but then eats two
step-in knees. Shumarov is unloading to the body as the round ends.
Very close round. 10-9 Sitsongpeenong.
Round 3
Round 3 opens with Shumarov being very aggressive. Landing hooks to
the body and upstairs, although Sitsongpeenong blocks well.
Sitsongpeenong is slowing down just a bit. Shumarov eats a knee.
Sitsongpeenong uses a push kick to get distance. Shumarov with a
night right hook as Sitsongpeenong tries to land a knee.
Sitsongpeenong taking damage to the body and lands a leg kick.
Shumarov stays busy, landing a thudding leg kick and two right
hands as they dirty box. A nice head kick and a knee to the body
for Sitsongpeenong at the end. 10-9 Shumarov (29-28 Shumarov).
The Official Result
Rungrawee Sitsongpeenong def. Bogdan Shumarov via Split Decision;
R3, 3:00.
Round 1
McLaren eats a big right hand but isn’t hurt. Hu is avoiding the
jab. Hu hurts McLaren with a stunning overhand right. McLaren is
desperate for a takedown, but Hu sprawls well. Hu throwing wild
hooks and is looking for the finish. McLaren goes in on a double
leg and gets the takedown. Hu gives up his back but gets to his
feet. Nice body kick for McLaren. Hu jabs to the body and then eats
a right hand. McLaren misses on another takedown attempt. A
well-timed left hook hurts McLaren, who is struggling with the
power of Hu. McLaren gets the back of Hu after charging forward and
drags his opponent to the ground. McLaren looking for a rear-naked
choke. However, Hu is able to reverse and gets to his feet. Another
left hook hurts McLaren, who dives in on another double-leg
takedown. Hu stays on his feet and is in control on the feet. The
round ends after Hu avoids a takedown and McLaren lands a jab. 10-9
Round 2
A nice counter left hand lands for McLaren. Hu strikes back with an
overhand right. A high kick for Hu misses. McLaren fakes a
takedown. Hu misses a roundhouse kick. Neither fighter has been
very effective this round. McLaren fails on a takedown attempt. Hu
getting backed up by the jab of McLaren. Another double leg from
McLaren, who gets the back and drags Hu to the floor. Hu reverses
position and gets back to his feet. Nice jab from Hu. McLaren backs
up Hu and lands a hard right hand. McLaren gets a takedown. McLaren
gets to side control and then loses an armbar as Hu gets to his
feet. Hu working his jab. McLaren charges forward to no avail. 10-9
McLaren, but he needs to do some actual damage if he wants to take
a decision.
Round 3
McLaren struggling to find his mark as Hu is very evasive. A nice
left hook for McLaren. Hu with a leg kick. Nice spinning back kick
lands for Hu. McLaren charges forward and lands a straight right.
Hu coming up short on his jab attempts. McLaren goes for a
double-leg takedown and lands a knee as he gives up. McLaren goes
for a single-leg takedown and takes the back of Hu. McLaren can’t
keep Hu down. Hu gets taken down but gets back up after McLaren
gets sloppy trying to advance position. A single-leg attempt by
McLaren, who takes the back while standing. McLaren gets the fight
to the floor with 20 seconds left and looks for a rear-naked choke
but can’t get it. 10-9 McLaren, although it wouldn’t be shocking if
Hu wins due to his first round, as he was the only one who did
significant damage.
The Official Result
Reece McLaren def. Yong Hu via Split Decision; R3, 5:00.
Round 1
This is the ONE debut for Wei. They trade body kicks and then leg
kicks. Wei sneaks in a body kick. Akimoto answers back with a leg
kick but takes another body kick. Wei looks quick and keeps firing
off kicks to the body. Akimoto tries to get close but eats another
body kick. Wei starting to have success with his jab. A right hand
from Akimoto snaps back the head of Wei. Akimoto misses a high
kick. Wei ends the round with some jabs and a body kick. 10-9
Round 2
Akimoto backs up Wei with a hard right hand. Nice jumping knee from
Akimoto, who is having much more success this round. A leg kick
stumbles Wei. A left hook lands for Akimoto. Straight rights being
fired by Akimoto. Wei works his jab and then eats a body kick.
Akimoto lands a head kick on the exit from a combination. Wei eats
a left hook. Akimoto hurts Wei with a right hand. Wei slips after
eating a well-timed right hand by Akimoto. The round ends with
Akimoto coming forward. 10-9 Akimoto.
Round 3
Akimoto has all the momentum. Wei eats body kicks and doesn’t have
the respect of Akimoto, who keeps walking him down. Nice left hook
from Akimoto. Knees to the body land for Akimoto. Wei checks a leg
kick but eats a high kick. Akimoto lands a left hook to the body
and then a right hand over the top. Jumping knee for Wei. Akimoto
lands a well-timed body kick and then another one. Two leg kicks
for Akimoto, who then eats one from Wei. Akimoto lands a nice right
hand. They trade as the fight expires. Closer round, but Akimoto
had more output. 10-9 Akimoto, 29-28 Akimoto.
The Official Result
Rui Wei def. Hiroki Akimoto via Unanimous Decision; R3, 3:00.
Round 1
After a feeling-out process, Abevi is able to take Zhang down to
the ground. Abevi is in half-guard. Zhang tries to escape but gives
up his back in the process. Abevi gets his hooks in and is looking
for a rear-naked choke. Zhang escapes and lands on top. Abrevi gets
up and gets another takedown, settling in half-guard. Zhang goes
for an armbar to no avail. Abrevi ends the round on top landing
punches. 10-9 Abrevi.
Round 2
Abevi is confident and is throwing out front kicks and leg kicks.
Zhang complains of a poke but Herb Dean says it wasn’t one. Zhang
goes for a takedown and eventually takes the back of Abrevi after a
scramble. Abrevi gets out of a rear-naked choke attempt and back to
his feet. Zhang goes for another takedown, but Abrevi reverses out
of it and takes the back of his opponent. Abrevi secures a body
triangle. Zhang defending well and not giving up a rear-naked
choke. Abrevi ends the rest of the round in control. 10-9
Round 3
Abrevi comes out and lands a straight right. Zhang lands a right
hand of his own. Zhang goes for a takedown with a body lock and
takes the back of Abrevi. Zhang is hanging on landing punches.
Zhang is looking for a rear-naked choke. Abrevi is able to turn and
is now in full guard on top. Abrevi takes the back of Zhang in a
scramble but gets sloppy. Zhang reverses position and takes
Abrevi’s back with 80 seconds left. Zhang is looking for a
desperate RNC. Zhang loses position and falls off. Abrevi is on top
and takes the back of Zhang. Abrevi squeezes on a rear-naked choke
as the fight ends. 10-9 Abrevi, who will win a decision.
The Official Result
Maurice Abevi def. Lipeng Zhang via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Menshikov lands two leg kicks to start. Klinmee strikes back with
one of his own. Menshikov isn’t taking the calf kick well. Klinmee
dodges a left hook and lands a body kick. They trade punches, but
neither connects. Klinmee goes to the body with punches. Menshikov
is hesitant and eats a body kick. Klinmee looks more confident.
Nice step-in elbow for Klinmee, who ends the round with another leg
kick. 10-9 Klinmee.
Round 2
Klinmee throwing brutal leg kicks. Menshikov covers up and fires
off a right hook. Klinmee pokes through the guard of Menshikov with
straight punches. Menshikov tries to answer with an elbow but
misses. The leg kicks of Klinmee have hampered the movement of
Menshikov. Klinmee works his jab and lands a body kick. Menshikov
finds some success with his jab. Klinmee’s step-in elbow is
landing. A nice left hook from Menshikov lands. Klinmee scores with
a left high kick and several right hands. 10-9 Klinmee.
Round 3
Klinmee uses his jab and leg kick to set the pace of the final
round. Menshikov comes forward and throws a solid right hand to the
body. Klinmee eats an uppercut.
Menshikov lands a nice jab and follows up with several punches to
the body. Klinmee is hurt! A nice knee from Menshikov, who then
scores an elbow. Two knees to the head, and Klinmee finally goes
down to a body shot! Klinmee can’t get up. It’s over.
What a comeback.
The Official Result
Dmitry Menshikov def. Sinsamut Klinmee via KO (Knees and Punch);
R3, 1:33.
Round 1
Herb Dean will oversee the co-main event. Amir is pumping out his
jab. Abdullaev has success with leg kicks and backs Amir up against
the ropes. Abdullaev takes the back of Amir and throws him. Amir
gives up his back and grabs the ropes to get back to his feet.
Abdullaev keeps a body lock and is able to land some knees.
Abdullaev gets another takedown, but Amir once again gets back up.
Amir is able to take the back of Abdullaev in a scramble with a
minute left. Amir is unable to do anything in the final 30 seconds
as Abdullaev turns and lands in his guard. 10-9 Abdullaev.
Round 2
Abdullaev lands a leg kick but eats a straight left hand from Amir.
They clinch with Abdullaev sneaking in some uppercuts and a knee to
the body. Amir goes for a single-leg takedown but can’t get it.
Abdullaev answers with a takedown of his own and gets it. Amir
gives up his back as he gets to his feet.
Abdullaev breaks away and lands a combination. Amir tries to circle
away and eats a huge left hook that knocks him out!
Abdullaev stays undefeated with a huge KO.
The Official Result
Akbar Abdullaev def. Halil Amir via KO (Punches); R2, 2:52.
Muay Thai Title Fight:
Sundell (126.5: Missed Weight, Ineligible to Win Title)
vs. Natalia
Diachkova (125)
Round 1
Olivier Coste is the third man inside the cage for the main event.
Sundell shows her size advantage and takes the center. Diachkova
trying to avoid jabs and leg kicks. Diachkova finds the mark with
her jab and reddens the face of Sundell. Diachkova doing some nice
work on the outside and judging distance well. An overhand right
connects and hurts Sundell, who was coming inside aggressively.
Diachkova lands another right hand and cements her power. Sundell’s
face is very red. Diachkova feels it, connecting with straight
punches as the round ends. 10-9 Diachkova.
Round 2
A big right hand from Diachkova backs up Sundell. The Swedish
fighter is looking to reestablish her leg kicks. Diachkova catches
Sundell coming in with a well-timed right hand. Both women are
clinching and making it a rough fight. A spinning back kick downs
Sundell, who was off balance. A right hook scores for Diachkova.
Sundell is getting controlled in the clinch despite being much
bigger. Diachkova is getting through the guard.
Sundell barrels forward and lands a knee. A flurry from Sundell
comes out of nowhere! Sundell backs up Diachkova into the ropes and
really hurts her with a left hook to the body. Diachkova covers up
and kneels over, hiding under the ropes while eating knees to the
body. The fight is waved off! A big comeback win for
The Official Result
Smilla Sundell def. Natalia Diachkova via TKO (Punches and Knees);
R2, 2:59.