Sherdog’s live
ONE Fight Night 15 coverage kicks off Friday at 8 p.m. ET.
Round 1
The card begins with muay thai action. Kouyate begins with two leg
kicks that land. Al-Tekreeti is looking to close the distance and
clinch. Kouyate is able to land some knees on the inside to the
body. Al-Tekreeti is taking damage trying to get inside but is able
to spin and land a spinning elbow. Kouyate eats a huge elbow and
goes down! A game-changing elbow by Al-Tekreeti. Kouyate gets back
up and starts swinging again. A big left hand lands for Kouyate,
but Al-Tekreeti is unphased. Kouyate then rocks his opponent at the
end of the round, but he still loses it due to the knockdown. 10-8
Round 2
Al-Tekreeti eats a slapping leg kick to start the round. They
clinch, and Kouyate is able to land some nice punches before they
are separated. Al-Tekreeti lands a big right hand that hurts
Kouyate. Al-Tekreeti starts eating some punches as they’re
separated. It’s truly a fight of ranges. Kouyate initiates a clinch
and lands a knee to the body. The pace has slowed down a bit.
Al-Tekreeti misses a punch and gets hit with two stinging blows by
Kouyate. Good second round for Kouyate. 10-9 Kouyate.
Round 3
Kouyate lands a leg kick to start the round. Al-Tekreeti is having
trouble getting inside and eating shots. Al-Tekreeti finds his way
into the clinch, but it is broken up almost immediately. Kouyate
lands a nice left hook. Al-Tekreeti falls down during an exchange,
but it’s correctly ruled a slip. Kouyate lands some punches up
close and is in control. Both men clinch, and Al-Tekreeti lands a
knee. The fight ends with not much happening. Looks like a 10-9 for
Kouyate, which would make it a 28-28 draw.
The Official Result
Shakir Al-Tekreeti def. Bampara Kouyate via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Herb Dean is in the cage for the first mixed martial arts contest
of the night. Tetsuka opens with a leg kick, and Jin answers back
with one of his own. Tetsuka lands another. It’s very much a
feeling-out opening minute, with neither throwing a punch until
Tetsuka leaps forward with a right hand. Tetsuka grabs a lazy leg
kick and gets a takedown with three minutes left. Tetsuka lands a
few elbows but hasn’t been able to do much damage. Jin grabs a hand
but can’t get anywhere close to a submission. One minute left.
Tetsuka passes to side control and then goes for an armbar. The arm
is extended, and Jin taps!
The Official Result
Hiroyuki def. Tae Ho Jin via Submission (Armbar); R1, 4:45.
Round 1
Our second muay thai fight of the evening will be our first women’s
fight. Phetjeeja comes out aggressive and lands some leg kicks
after bouncing jabs off the guard of Hansen. Phetjeeja is going to
the body with punches and landing. Hansen has shown no offense so
far. A counter left hook lands for Hansen, but she backs up and
eats kicks afterward. Phetjeeja is in full control, alternating low
and high with both kicks and punches. Hansen is too busy blocking
high punches that she’s getting hit all over her body and legs.
Phetjeeja walks in with sharp elbows that are landing. Phetjeeja
stays in control for the rest of the round and tees off during the
final 15 seconds with Hansen showing throwing nothing back. 10-9
Round 2
The second frame starts with Phetjeeja landing knees after
clinching and she then throws Hansen down. Phetjeeja is very
aggressive and is throwing head kicks and straight punches. Hansen
has no offense and is just eating shot after shot while she focuses
purely on defense. They clinch, and Hansen lands a few knees before
being thrown down. Hansen starts bleeding on the top of her head.
Phetjeeja is keeping the pace on and is walking Hansen into the
rope. Phetjeeja continues to walk forward, throwing leg kicks and
combinations. Brutal body punches land for Phetjeeja. Hansen tries
to throw back but misses and eats two shots in return. There’s a
real skill difference here and it doesn’t matter what Hansen does.
The last 20 seconds see Phetjeeja continue her dominant round and
end with a body kick and a flurry of punches. 10-9 Phetjeeja.
Round 3
Phetjeeja starts the final round with a series of lead leg kicks.
Not slowing down any, Phetjeeja is throwing rapid combinations and
is going to the head more. Hansen hasn’t given up and lands a few
short punches in the clinch.
Phetjeeja busts open the nose of Hansen, and the fight is paused
for the doctor to come in. The fight is waved off. A
total one-sided beatdown.
The Official Result
Phetjeeja def. Celest Hansen via TKO (Doctor’s Stoppage); R3,
Round 1
Pacio opens with a hard leg kick that lands. A high kick misses
Malachiev, who shoots for a takedown but can’t get it. A right hand
lands for Pacio, which opens a cut below the left eye of Malachiev.
While moving, the knee of Malachiev buckles. It occurs again, and
he’s clearly injured. Pacio lands a leg kick, and Malachiev once
again struggles to move. Malachiev goes for a takedown and gets it.
A small cut opens under the left eye of Pacio as well. Malachiev is
happy to stay in guard and throw small punches. Pacio goes for a
guillotine choke but the round expires, and it never comes too
close to being a threat. 10-9 Pacio.
Round 2
Pacio lands a slapping leg kick and follows it up with a thudding
one afterward. Malachiev goes for a takedown that is stuffed and
gets punished for it. A spinning back kick lands and a backfist is
thrown by Malachiev, who then goes for a guillotine choke during a
scramble. This backfires as Pacio gets out of it and is now on top
in side control. Pacio lands a knee to the head and goes for the
back but loses position, allowing Malachiev to rest in guard.
Malachiev stays on top for the rest of the round but isn’t able to
do much in terms of damage. 10-9 Malachiev.
Round 3
Pacio goes for a takedown but Malachiev shoots for a takedown and
gets it just seconds into the round. Pacio attempts a guillotine
choke, and it looks tight. Malachiev is grimacing but Pacio seems
to loosen his grip. An odd situation where the bell rings, and both
men look confused. The referee tells them to keep going, but the
submission was given up right before this occurred. Very odd.
Malachiev takes advantage of the scenario and starts pounding the
body of Pacio. Despite this being more action than Malachiev has
mostly done in the first two rounds on the ground, it is stood up.
Pacio throws a spinning back kick, and then the referee tells both
to do more action. A spinning back fist misses for Malachiev.
Malachiev dives for a takedown, and it is stuffed. Pacio goes for
another guillotine choke as the round ends. 10-9 Pacio, who should
take the close fight.
The Official Result
Joshua Pacio def. Mansur Malachiev via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Saenchai lands two quick leg kicks to start the fight. Nattawut
fires back with one of his own. A brutal body kick lands for
Nattawut. Saenchai answers with a flurry of punches. The two trade
kicks. Both men continue trading kicks. A right hand lands for
Nattawut. The power of Saenchai is the differentiator currently,
simply moving Nattawut back and doing more damage. Very fun round.
10-9 Saenchai.
Round 2
A huge right hand lands for Nattawut early, and Saenchai is hurt.
Nattawut backs his opponent down, but he survives and recovers
quickly. They trade kicks. A nice push kick by Saenchai connects.
Nattawut lands a leg kick but eats a combination. Very close fight
still, with Nattawut being aggressive with low kicks. 10-9
Nattawut, who had the best moments of the frame.
Round 3
The back-and-forth fight continues, with both men landing leg
kicks. Saenchai is landing the harder blows. A strong body kick
lands for Saenchai. Nattawut eats another body kick and is falling
behind this round. Saenchai goes low and then to the body with his
kicks in quick succession. They both throw combinations and
Nattawut throws wildly, with most glancing off the gloves of
Saenchai before the round ends. A clear 10-9 round for Saenchai,
who should take the decision.
The Official Result
Tawanchai PK Saenchai def. Jo Nattawut via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Di Bella opens with leg kicks and trips Williams. A nice straight
left for Di Bella lands. They trade leg kicks, and Di Bella lands a
right hook. Williams eats a head kick and gets wobbled. Di Bella is
much quicker. Williams eats a body kick. Di Bella isn’t putting
much pressure despite Williams still being hurt. A nice body shot
for Di Bella. Williams‘ legs are getting chopped down. Di Bella
finishes the round with a series of hooks that finish to the body
and some body kicks. 10-9 Di Bella.
Round 2
Di Bella eats a leg kick. Williams having more success early and
fires back with a right hand. However, a straight left from Di
Bella momentarily puts down Williams. Oddly, it isn’t counted as a
knockdown. They trade kicks. Another straight left lands for Di
Bella. Williams is finding some success with kicks at a distance,
but Di Bella’s punches are doing more damage. They trade, and Di
Bella begins teeing off, landing leg kicks and throwing combination
punches to the head. A head kick hits Williams‘ glove. An overhand
right from Williams stings Di Bella at the end but doesn’t win him
the round. 10-9 Di Bella.
Round 3
Both men trade leg kicks. Di Bella is still showing a clear speed
advantage, stinging Williams with jabs and left straights. Williams
strikes back with some thudding leg kicks but can’t get his hands
going. Good straight left from Di Bella lands. Di Bella working the
body well, and Williams is slowing down. Williams eats a
combination of punches. Di Bella finishes the round outstriking
Williams with quicker punches. This is starting to get one-sided.
10-9 Di Bella.
Round 4
Di Bella begins the round with a right hook. Williams answers with
a nice leg kick. Williams is walking into punches. Di Bella
throwing combinations and landing more than he misses. Nice left
hand to the body for Di Bella. Williams eats a spinning back fist.
Di Bella lands a right hook. Williams is eating shots but hasn’t
been seriously hurt. Nice straight from Di Bella lands. Di Bella
pumps his jab out, making contact with Williams. A low kick takes
out the leg of Williams. 10-9 Di Bella.
Round 5
The final round begins with a slow low kick from Williams. Di Bella
is a bit slower at first, focusing on 1-2s. Williams lands two low
kicks. Di Bella seems to be playing it safe since he’s up on the
cards. Williams eats a combination to the body and Di Bella begins
opening up a bit more. A leg kick from Williams lands as he dodges
a combination. Good straight punch from Di Bella, who begins
working the body afterward. Di Bella ends the fight strong by
landing a spinning back kick. 10-9 Di Bella.
The Official Result
Jonathan Di Bella def. Danial Williams via Unanimous Decision; R3,