Martial Arts Style-System: | Capoeira |
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Spüre den Zauber und den Rhythmus, der die brasilianische Leidenschaft und den Spaß in dein Leben bringt Capoeira!
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Neu, Erwachsenen & Kinder Capoeira Training
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Probetrainings sind jederzeit möglich und immer kostenlos. Hier findet ihr alle Informationen zu den Trainingszeiten,Trainingsorte der capoeira mannheim sowie die Kontakte der Ansprechpartner. Trainingsmöglichkeiten gibts in mannheim. Als internationale Capoeira-Gruppe bieten wir ein professionell gestaltetes Capoeira-Training. Ein Training beginnt mit einem Warm-Up und Dehnübungen, danach werden Basis-Bewegungen alleine wie auch zu zweit trainiert, bevor das Training in Anfänger & Fortgeschrittene unterteilt wird. Das Ende des Trainings besteht wieder aus einem gemeinsamen Abwärmen oder einer kurzen Trainings-Roda (Capoeira- Kreis). Die Vielfalt an Bewegungen verbunden mit Leichtigkeit und Freude an Musik machen Spass und sind ein gutes Training. Kommt vorbei für eine Probestunde! Vor Trainingsbeginn da sein und einer der Trainer wird sich um alles Weitere kümmern. Bei Fragen meldet euch bei einem der Ansprechpartner.
Bis bald im Training
Capoeira de Angola
The game of o jogo de Capoeira Angola is a ritualized mock combat that is played with two players within a ring of people, known as a roda (pronounced „hoda“). The game is played to music, which is played by people who form one side of the roda. The musicians form the bateria which is normally composed of other players of the game, rather than specific band members. The objectives of the game are vague, and are largely dependent on the outcomes that are desired by the two players and the person who is in charge of the roda (usually the Mestre). In other words, there is no official winner or loser of the game. Motion Au Generally, practitioners attempt to cause their „camarada,“ or comrade, to lose their balance, fall, or to put them in a position where they could not avoid a blow inflicted upon them (sort of a checkmate moment), while at the same time not letting the opponent do the same to them. J. Lowell Lewis, in his book Ring of Liberation, mentions that one particular master, Mestre Moraes says that the only objective of capoeira is „movimento só“ or „just movement“. For Moraes, the game becomes about maximizing one’s own freedom of movement while restricting that of the opponents. Note that generally the game of Capoeira Angola is non-violent and any blows, or fast sweeps that may cause injury to an opponent are usually shown and not completed. The movements used by the players in attack and defense are characterized by being „closed“, as opposed to open movements which offer the opportunity to be attacked. Being closed refers to an inability of the opponent to attack a weak point because it is covered by a part of the body that is not considered attackable in the game. Closed body parts are thighs, the back, the buttocks, and the arms. Areas considered open when left unguarded, and therefore vulnerable to attacks, are ankles, the head, the stomach and chest, and genitalia.

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