Jack Shore is calling it a career before he turns 30.
The nine-time UFC competitor and former Cage Warriors champion announced his retirement via social media on Wednesday.“As what may come as a surprise to a few I’ve decided to hang up the gloves on my professional fighting career,” Shore wrote on Instagram. “After fighting out my contract and taking some time to think about what’s next it’s clear to me that my time with professional fighting is done. Although I had the chance to re-sign with UFC, I’ve decided my time’s done. I want to thank the UFC for letting me live out my childhood dream of fighting for the worlds biggest organization and against some of the best in the world, I’ve enjoyed every minute!
“From what started as a kid with a dream, led me to amateur titles, world titles and living out my dream of fighting in the UFC. I can truly say for every single fight I gave the training and the fights my all, never said no, never ask…