UFC on ESPN 55 play-by-play kicks off at 4 p.m. ET.
Round 1
The third man in the cage for the opening bout is Jason Herzog.
Benitez opens with two hard leg kicks on Hayisaer. A jumping switch
kick and then a right high kick answer back from Hayisaer. A
straight left slips the guard for Benitez, who is still having
success with leg kicks. Hayisaer eats another leg kick but stays
out of range of the punches from his opponent. A sneaky left hook
connects for Hayisaer. Benitez throws a front kick to the body and
walks into a right hand. A big overhand left lands for Benitez.
Best punch of the fight so far. Hayisaer blocks a left high kick.
Another hard leg kick for Benitez. Hayisaer is largely reactive and
lets Benitez dictate the pace of the fight. Benitez connects to the
body and then eats a body kick of his opponent’s. Leg kicks still
trouble Hayisaer, who doesn’t have a good answer to them. Hayisaer
makes Benitez pay for missing and lands with his right hand.
Benitez makes Hayisaer’s head fling back with a straight left hand.
The round ends after Hayisaer lands two leg kicks and throws a
step-in knee.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Benitez
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Benitez
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Benitez
Round 2
Hayisaer opens up Round 2 with a step-in knee and is getting more
aggressive. Benitez lunges in and gets hit with a left hook. Leg
kicks continue to do damage for Benitez. An overhand left scores
for Benitez, who has a lot of confidence in his hands. Benitez is
looking to land his jab but is having mixed success with it.
Hayisaer manages space with a push kick and then goes for a
spinning back fist that doesn’t connect. A straight left stuns
Hayisaer. Benitez is dictating the range and is very comfortable.
Nice 1-2 from Benitez. Hayisaer is taking a lot of small punches
and is unable to fire back with anything noteworthy. The jab is
starting to take over for Benitez. Hayisaer answers with a jab of
his own and throws a heavy right hand. A nice straight right from
Hayisaer sneaks in. Benitez eats a 1-2 and then a jumping knee
right before the round ends.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Benitez
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Benitez
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Benitez
Round 3
The final round opens with Benitez looking to reestablish his jab.
Hayisaer goes high with a kick, but it is blocked. A nice left hook
lands for Hayisaer. Benitez lands a nice straight left, but there
seems to be an eye poke, so action stops briefly. It is restarted,
and Hayisaer lands a nice body kick. Hayisaer seems fresher and is
throwing some solid combinations. Benitez pumps his jab but then
eats a left hook. Hayisaer tries to throw an elbow, but all he hits
is air. Nice leg kick from Benitez. Hayisaer is walking down
Benitez more and is finding success with his straight right. Nice
body kick from Hayisaer. Benitez is walked into the cage as
Hayisaer continues to pressure. Hayisaer connects with a right
hand. The fight ends with Benitez landing a flying knee and the two
men trading.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Hayisaer (29-28 Benitez)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Benitez (30-27 Benitez)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Benitez (30-27
The Official Result
Maheshate Hayisaer def. Gabriel Benitez via Split Decision (29-28,
28-29, 29-28); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Liang gets a takedown immediately. Petrovic uses the cage to get
back to her feet. They’re clinched with Liang landing some solid
knees. Petrovic finally gets out and back to striking distance.
Overhand right lands for Liang. Petrovic eats another right hand
and is then backed up against the cage. Liang goes for a takedown,
but Petrovic lands on top. Liang is able to scramble but ultimately
is still on the bottom after a back-and-forth exchange. Petrovic is
in half guard and is looking for an armbar. Liang defends well but
is eating punches. Liang survives as the round ends.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Liang
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Liang
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Liang
Round 2
Petrovic opens the second round coming forward with punches,
although most come up short. Liang backs her opponent up with
punches and gets into the clinch. Petrovic gets out but is hurt by
an overhand right. Liang goes to the body but is starting to show
some fatigue. Petrovic engages in a body lock and takes down Liang.
Petrovic is in side control and landing knees. Liang is looking for
an armbar. Petrovic gets out and is back in control. Petrovic is
postured up and landing elbows to the body. Petrovic is in total
control with a minute left. Liang gives up mount position. Petrovic
is pounding away and Liang gives up her back. Total domination as
the round ends with Petrovic landing brutal elbows.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Petrovic
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Petrovic
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Petrovic
Round 3
Petrovic wastes no time and immediately shoots for a takedown and
secures it. Liang is in full guard and isn’t doing much to defend.
Petrovic gets to half-guard and
starts securing an arm-triangle choke. Liang has nothing left and
taps almost immediately. Liang does not have the
cardio or will for a three-round fight.
The Official Result
Ivana Petrovic def. Na Liang via Submission (Arm-Triangle Choke);
R3, 1:29.
Round 1
Herb Dean will oversee this fight. Padilla checks a kick and
answers with one of his own. Llontop eats another leg kick and then
throws out a push kick that comes nowhere close to landing. Padilla
level changes and gets a takedown after Llontop throws a leg kick.
Llontop gets back to his feet but eats a knee to the face while
doing so. Llontop eats a right hand on his face tattoo. Padilla
gets another takedown and lands an uppercut as Llontop is able to
get back up. Padilla lands a leg kick and then works his jab.
Llontop lands a nice body kick and comes with a nasty leg kick of
his own. Llontop hurts Padilla with a left hook, which causes his
mouthpiece to come out.
Padilla gets a desperation takedown, takes the back and secures a
rear-naked choke in quick succession. Llontop taps! it
turns out that hurting his opponent led to the worst possible
The Official Result
Chris Padilla def. James Llontop via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke);
R1, 4:33.
Round 1
Jason Herzog is the referee. Both women are hesitant. It takes 40
seconds, but Mann lands a leg kick. Souza strikes back with one of
her own 20 seconds later. Mann throws a nice high kick. Souza uses
a push kick and follows it with a leg kick. Souza finally throws
her hands, landing with a left and right hook, then connects with a
spinning back kick. Mann clinches and starts landing knees to the
body. Souza escapes and lands a stunning right hand. Souza has a
clear advantage with her hands. Mann looks like she doesn’t want to
engage at a distance. A right hand lands for Souza, who then throws
a jumping knee and gets a takedown. Mann is eating punches and
loses guard. Souza does some damage and then stands up. The round
ends with Souza looking for a spinning kick and then landing a
right hand before Mann lands a throw.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Souza
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Souza
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Souza
Round 2
Souza begins the round working her jab. She backs Mann up against
the fence, who lands a knee in the clinch. Souza backs up and lands
an overhand right. A body kick hurts Mann, who then clinches. Souza
gets space and lands two kicks to the body. Mann misses a leg kick
but is able to land two to the body. A right hand for Mann lands,
but this upsets Souza, who bites down on her mouthpiece and
unloads. Souza is back on the attack and catches Mann with a left
hook. A right hand comes through for Souza. Mann charges forward
and tries to throw Souza but gets reversed. Souza lands on top and
is happy to do some damage in guard until the round ends.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Souza
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Souza
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Souza
Round 3
Souza checks a kick. Mann is showing some urgency being down two
rounds, but it’s mostly coming in the form of leg kicks, which
aren’t going to finish the fight. Souza backs her opponent up and
unloads with hooks. Shots to the body hurt Mann. Souza gets a
takedown. Mann uses a kimura to sweep and is now in full guard.
Mann is throwing punches to the body but isn’t willing to take a
risk and go for a finish. 90 seconds left. Mann lands a few more
punches before Souza gets to the feet. Souza lands a spinning kick
but gets taken down. Mann lands some elbows to the body and is then
reversed as the round expires.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Souza (30-27 Souza)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Souza (30-27 Souza)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Souza (30-27 Souza)
The Official Result
Ketlen Souza def. Marnic Mann via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27,
30-27); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Mark Smith is the third man in the cage. Machado eats a 1-2
immediately. Mayes takes the center and scores with a leg kick.
Machado avoids a charge but then eats an overhand left. Machado
catches Mayes moving backward. Mayes eats another 1-2 and is
getting caught against the cage. Machado takes a straight right and
answers with a body kick. Mayes is aggressive, throwing left
uppercuts and overhand rights. Machado lands a thudding leg kick.
The pace is slowing. Mayes eats a left hand but is able to counter
with a right hook that floors Machado. Mayes gets into guard and
finishes the round in control.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Mayes
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Mayes
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Mayes
Round 2
Machado has recovered. Mayes tests his opponent’s chin with a
straight right. Machado lands an overhand left and has found his
range. Mayes connects with a leg kick. Machado eats an uppercut but
first back with a left hand. Mayes lands another overhand right.
The pace has slowed down a lot as both men are only throwing power
shots. A nice left hook for Machado finds its home. Mayes throws a
rare jab. Left hook to the body for Mayes. Machado eats an uppercut
and a straight left hand. Mayes is feeling comfortable with a
minute left. A leg kick lands for Machado, who then goes for a
jumping knee. Mayes tags Machado with an overhand right. The round
ends with Machado landing a hook and throwing wildly.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Mayes
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Mayes
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Mayes
Round 3
The final round sees Machado score with leg kicks. An uppercut
lands for Mayes. Machado throwing more kicks. Nice body punches
from Machado. Mayes misses an uppercut and an overhand right as he
only looks for knockout blows. Machado doing well pressuring and
lands an overhand left. Mayes blocks a head kick. A knee lands for
Mayes. They’re talking a bit. Machado lands a hook but backs up
after eating one from Mayes. One minute left. Mayes lands a solid
straight right to the body. Machado lands an uppercut of his own. A
1-2 for Machado. The fight nds with Machado biting down and landing
several punches.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Machado (29-28 Mayes)
Devin Tejada scores the round: 10-9 Machado (29-28 Mayes)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Machado (29-28
The Official Result
Don’Tale Mayes def. Caio Machado via Unanimous Decision (29-28,
29-28, 29-28); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 4
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round:
Round 5
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Devin Tejada scores the round:
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: