Sherdog’s live
ONE on Prime Video 3 “Lineker vs. Andrade” coverage kicks off
Friday at 8 p.m. ET.
Check out the MMA
Forums to discuss the card or enter your comments and
predictions below.
Round 1
The opening bout is being overseen by Herb Dean. Bivins opens up
with a kick and rushes forward. Grandjean is able to clinch and is
landing some nice dirty boxing before tripping her opponent to the
ground. Grandjean is kicking the legs of Bivins and settles in
guard to throw punches. Bivins looks for an armbar but it goes
nowhere. Dean stands up the fighters. They clinch again with Bivins
landing a few standing knees. Bivins defends a takedown attempt
from Grandjean, who then throws a wild overhand right. Grandjean is
landing some solid leg kicks and Bivins looks tired with 90 seconds
left in the round. Grandjean
keeps landing kicks and follows them up with a straight right hand
to the body that stuns Bivins. Grandjean keeps the pressure on and
floors Bivins and the fight is waved off.
The Official Result
Noelle Grandjean def. Lea Bivins via TKO (Punches); R1, 4:01.
Round 1
Justin Brown is overseeing the first muay thai bout on the card.
Pow opens up with some front kicks to the body. Zatout eats them
and starts throwing back with straight right hands. Pow misses a
high kick and eats a damaging elbow as a result. Zatout is in
control early and is tagging Pow with strikes. Not deterred, Pow
keeps going forward and throwing big high kicks. Pow lands a low
kick and Zatout is able to send Pow fighting with a well-timed
counter. Confident, Zatout has both of his hands down. Pow has the
center of the cage but isn’t able to do damage.
Zatout hurts Pow with a right hand and follows up with several
knees. Pow lands an elbow but eats several knees as the round
ends. 10-9 Zatout.
Round 2
Pow is unable to continue and the fight is waved off between
The Official Result
Mehdi Zatout def. Asa Ten Pow via TKO (Retirement); R1, 3:00.
Round 1
Olivier Coste is the referee. A very measured start as both
fighters are happy to kick at range. Naseri misses with a quick
body kick and the two trade leg kicks. Naito is landing more kicks
but not doing much in terms of damage. Naseri starts rushing
forward with straight punches, a few of which land. Naseri is
getting reckless and eats a few leg kicks as a result. Naseri is
having trouble entering into range without eating kicks. Naito
checks a kick and lands a high kick of his own. 10-9 Naito
Round 2
Naito drops Naseri with a kick to start the second frame. Naito
continues to do better work, landing several leg kicks. Naito
dodges a body kick from Naseri and counters with another leg kick.
Naseri just seems outmatched and doesn’t have a strategy. Naseri
gets aggressive and falls to the ground again after eating another
thudding leg kick. Naseri catches a kick of Naito but can’t do
anything with it. One minute left and the two start trading
punches. Naseri eats several leg kicks and lands one of his own.
The rounds end after Naseri misses a wild head kick and eats
another leg kick. 10-9 Naito.
Round 3
Naito opens the final round with more leg kicks. Naseri gets wild
and runs forward to no avail. Naito gets fancy and lands a spinning
leg kick. Naito catches a kick from Naseri, who is getting very
aggressive. Naseri lands a nice straight right hand but clinches
and is separated afterward. Naseri eats another leg kick and
stumbles. Naito lands a solid left hook, bruising the face of
Naseri. A combination is thrown by Naseri, who lands an overhand
right before clinching with Naito and landing several knees. Naseri
is making the fight wild and is having his most success thus far.
However, the fight ends and it was likely too little, too late.
10-9 Naseri (29-28 Naito).
The Official Result
Taiki Naito def. Amir Naseri via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Herb Dean is your referee for this MMA bout. A lot of circling
early, but Williams lands a nice straight right. Miado answers with
a 1-2 but eats a big right hand. Miado keeps landing short yet
accurate punches. They clinch against the fence. Miado gets a
takedown and is working in Williams’ guard. Miado moves into full
mount and is clearly the better grappler. Williams recovers half
guard with two minutes left. Miado crawls up back into mount but
Williams has his back against the cage. Williams gets up and Miado
goes for a takedown before the two go back to standing. Miado lands
a wild right hand that downs Williams and follows it up with a
knee. Williams is able to get up but is eating big punches and
knees. Miado lands a huge right hook and has bloodied up Williams
as the round ends. 10-9 Miado.
Round 2
The second frame begins with both men striking at a distance, still
recovering from the active first round. Miado is happy to pick away
with leg kicks. Williams is throwing but is not able to connect
often as Miado is still in control. Williams eats a punch trying to
get into range but follows up with a solid leg kick of his own.
Miado’s pace has dropped significantly. Williams is pushing the
pace and landing some solid kicks. Miado still has his timing down
and clocks Williams with a hook. One minute left in a round that
could be won by either fighter. Miado lands a swinging left hook
that drops Williams. Miado swarms forward, and Williams goes for a
desperation takedown that is easily stuffed. Miado has his opponent
hurt and is continuing to piece Williams apart. The bell ends and
Williams survives. 10-9 Miado.
Round 3
The face of Williams is a mess and he clearly needs a finish.
A 1-2 combo by Miado is followed by a straight right hand that
knocks Williams down and a merciful Herb Dean waves the fight
off. That was an accumulation of damage.
The Official Result
Jeremy Miado def. Danial Williams via TKO (Punches); R3,
Round 1
Olivier Coste is overseeing the kickboxing match. The two trade
body kicks. Boutasaa lands a solid 1-2. Sitsongpeenong lands a
solid leg kick and marches forward with punches. Sitsongpeenong is
the aggressor and is able to land several punches and knees up
close. A solid round by both, I’d lean toward 10-9 Sitsongpeenong,
who was slightly more active.
Round 2
Boutasaa is doing a great job of landing solid front kicks to keep
distance. One even sends Sitsongpeenong to the ground. Boutasaa is
staying super busy and aggressive. A punch sends Sitsongpeenong to
the ground but it is ruled a slip. Sitsongpeenong is still alive
but is being taken to so far. Using the clinch, the fight is slowed
a bit and Sitsongpeenong is able to land some knees to the body.
Sitsongpeenong lands a solid straight left and has gotten back into
the round. The early charge was enough for Boutasaa to take Round 2
with a 10-9 of his own.
Round 3
A big leg kick from Sitsongpeenong sends Boutasaa to the floor.
Wow, a left hand floors Boutasaa as well, but it is ruled a slip.
Sitsongpeenong is super aggressive to start the third and looks
great. Boutasaa has slowed down the pace and is clinching.
Sitsongpeenong avoids a high kick and checks two leg kicks.
Sitsongpeenong is charging forward and landing punches. This will
entirely go down to who won the opening frame as the final two were
each clear. Sitsongpeenong backs up Boutasaa and is throwing
punches and avoids a spinning back kick as the round ends. 10-9
Sitsongpeenong (29-28 Sitsongpeenong).
The Official Result
Sitthichai Sitsongpeenong def. Mohammed Boutasaa via Unanimous
Decision; R3, 3:00.
Round 1
The muay thai title fight is overseen by Justin Brown. Both men
land leg kicks on the other. Eersel is throwing a bit more but it’s
very much a feeling-out process. Klinmee eats a hard low kick and
Eersel comes forward temporarily before retreating. Klinmee rushes
forward with straight punches and lands. Eersel lands a few low
kicks but Klinmee lands an overhand right. Klinmee lands a hard low
kick and the round ends with Klinmee landing a solid body kick.
10-9 Klinmee, who came on late and stole the round after a slow
Round 2
Klinmee lands a nice push kick to start Round 2. Eersel catches a
kick and clinches with Klinmee. The two are separated after they
get tangled up and go to the floor. Eersel is able to land a nice
combination of punches. A much slower round but one that has been
favoring Eersel’s bursts. A big right from Eersel lands as Klinmee
lands a nice body kick. They trade kicks. Eersel checks a kick then
throws one of his own. 10-9 Eersel.
Round 3
The two are trading kicks and have eased into a slow yet steady
pace. Neither are throwing many punches. More low kicks are
exchanged and Klinmee follows up with a left hook. A solid low kick
by Eersel. Klinmee follows up with several of his own. Eersel
starts opening up with his hands but misses. The referee is calling
for action as they largely look at each other and occasionally
throw leg kicks. Guess I’d lean 10-9 Klinmee but neither fighter
Round 4
Klinmee opens up with some leg kicks. Eersel throws wildly but
misses. The two exchange kicks before both fighters miss with
swinging hooks. Eersel snaps a leg kick out then gets hit with a
jab. Klinmee lands an overhand right. Eersel lands two leg kicks.
Both are trading kicks and mostly missing with their hands. The
referee is yelling for action. Eersel misses an axe kick that
wasn’t even close. Klinmee lands several leg kicks. Eersel evens up
the kicks and connects with a glancing right hand. The round ends
with Eersel landing a body kick. 10-9 Eersel.
Round 5
Final round sees Klinmee getting more active with body kicks.
Eersel is trying to throw his hands and connects with an overhand
right. Klinmee eats a jab. The referee is calling for action but
neither man is throwing much more than leg kicks. An overhand right
lands for Eersel. Klinmee lands a nice body shot. A wild exchange
sees both men bleeding with Klinmee taking the most damage. A solid
finish to a largely underwhelming bout. Eersel edges out Round 5,
10-9 Eersel (48-47 Eersel).
The Official Result
Regian Eersel def. Sinsamut Klinmee via Split Decision; R5,
Round 1
Lineker missed weight, stripping him of the title before the bout.
The referee is Olivier Coste. Andrade opens with kicks as Lineker
backs away. Slow start, but Andrade is working his jab well.
Lineker is very cautious early, then throws a big left hand.
Andrade is backing up Lineker and hurts him with a straight punch.
A flying knee for Andrade lands, but a hurt Lineker gets a
takedown. Lineker lands some solid punches in a scramble. Andrade
breaks away and lands a nice body kick. Andrade is touching Lineker
with straights and jabs. Andrade works the jab and eats a leg kick.
Clear 10-9 for Andrade.
Round 2
The second frame opens with Lineker working the body with punches.
A straight left by Andrade lands. The fight is back to a much more
measured pace. Andrade is working his jab well, bloodying the nose
of Lineker. Tired of getting punched, Lineker charges forward,
landing hooks and then gets a takedown. Lineker lands nasty punches
on the ground and allows a hurt Andrade to get back to his feet.
Lineker lands a hook that hurts Andrade but allows his fellow
Brazilian to recover. Two left hooks by Lineker land. Lineker
charges forward with hooks to the body. Lineker’s right eye is
almost closed due to damage from the jab. Lineker walks into
punches. Andrade lands a body kick and misses with punches. A clear
10-9 Lineker round but he began to fade and the damage to the eye
is a serious worry.
Round 3
Lineker clearly can’t see out of his right eye. Sort of wild that
he’s being allowed to continue. Lineker goes for a takedown to
start the third frame. Andrade stuffs it and is finding success
striking at a distance with body kicks and jabs. The jab is a real
difference-maker for Andrade. Lineker starts swinging and lands a
thudding hook. Andrade lands a nice jab but Lineker charges forward
again. Andrade hurts Lineker with a knee to the body and then knees
Lineker in the groin. The fight is paused. Lineker removes his cup,
which was shattered. Lineker is in a lot of pain and it looks like
the fight won’t continue. They bring in a bucket, it looks like
Lineker is going to puke. Fun stuff! Andrade looks into the
distance, saddened, as Lineker glances deeply into the ONE-branded
bucket, contemplating his life choices that have led to this
moment. The five minutes are up and the fight is over.
The Official Result
John Lineker vs. Fabricio Andrade ends in a no contest at 2:44 of
Round 3 due to a low blow by Andrade.