Sherdog’s live
ONE on Prime Video 2 “Xiong vs. Lee III” coverage kicks off
Friday at 8 p.m. ET.
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predictions below.
Round 1
Reffing the heavyweight kickboxing grand prix alternate bout is
Olivier Coste. Opacic lands a nice body kick to start but
Stoforidis lands several leg kicks. Both men are staying in kicking
range early. Opacic continues to eat leg kicks. Stoforidis lands a
solid left hook to the body. An Opacic head kick is blocked. Opacic
lands a nice step-in knee. Stoforidis throwing more combinations as
Opacic largely throws single shots. They clinch and are separated
by the referee. Opacic continues throwing the head kick but isn’t
landing cleanly. Stoforidis lands several leg kicks and then
follows up with a well-timed left hook to the head. A close round
but the action leans toward Stoforidis, who is reddening the legs
of Opacic with leg kicks. 10-9 Stoforidis.
Round 2
Opacic tries a flying knee but misses. Opacic is being more
aggressive to start Round 2. Stoforidis is throwing punches that
are going off the gloves of his opponent. Opacic checks a kick and
punishes Stoforidis to the body. Opacic gets tagged while getting
aggressive. However,
Opacic throws a head kick and continues forward with a left hook
and a right hand that drops Stoforidis. The fight is waved off as
he can’t get up. Very impressive showing by
The Official Result
Rade Opacic def. Giannis Stoforidis via KO (Punches); R2,
Round 1
Our first muay thai bout opens with Meksen aggressively coming
forward. Meksen lands several leg kicks. Banchamek gets backed to
the cage and is tagged with a big left hook. Banchamek is once
again backed against the cage and eating punches. Meksen clearly
wins the first round. 10-9 Meksen.
Round 2
The two women come out aggressive but they clinch and are broken up
by the referee. Meksen starts landing punches while Banchamek
attempts to move forward. They clinch and Meksen sneaks in a few
elbows. Meksen is throwing straight punches that are finding their
mark while Banchamek throws sloppy hooks that miss. Straight
punches from Meksen are landing with regularity as Banchamek can’t
get out of the way. Another clear round for Meksen. 10-9
Round 3
Meksen is clearly looking for the finish. Banchamek is eating
punches but slowly coming forward. Banchamek doesn’t seem to have
any hope of a finish as her power isn’t stunning Meksen any.
Banchamek lands a few body kicks but Meksen clinches and begins
landing knees. They clinch and are broken up. Meksen lands several
leg kicks and follows them up with straight punches. A head kick
lands for Meksen. A really one-sided match that will end with
Meksen taking a decision. 10-9 Meksen (30-27 Meksen).
The Official Result
Anissa Meksen def. Dangkongfah Banchamek via Unanimous Decision;
R3, 3:00.
Round 1
Our first mixed martial arts bout is in One Championship’s
featherweight division. Slow start but Takahashi begins throwing
some leg kicks. Both men trying to find their range early. The
referee calls for action. Oh is moving back and forth but not
throwing much. Oh lands a right hand then goes for a takedown that
is stuffed. Takahashi is even less active than Oh, who is throwing
some body kicks. After some more dead time, Takahashi starts
throwing leg kicks. Oh eats another leg kick but moves forward. Oh
throws some hooks but can’t find his mark. The round thankfully
comes to an end. One’s mixed martial art bouts are scored as a
whole officially, but if it was under the Unified Rules then it
would be 10-9 Oh due to him simply being more active.
Round 2
Gets sloppy to start the round and is dropped by a left hand of
Takahashi. They scramble but Oh gets back to his feet and recovers.
A leg kick from Takahashi forces Oh to fall. Oh gets up and pushes
Takahashi up against the fence. Takahashi escapes and Oh continues
to rush forward but isn’t throwing. The referee pauses the fight
and gives Takahashi a yellow card, which is odd considering he’s
done the better work this round. Oh goes for a takedown but
Takahashi defends well. Takahashi continues to time his punches
well as Oh walks into a hook. The round ends and it’s clearly
Takahashi’s round. 10-9 Takahashi.
Round 3
It’s a slower start. Takahashi lands several leg kicks. Oh is
walking forward and missing kicks. The referee stops the fight and
gives Takahashi a second yellow card for being defensively sound, I
guess. Oh goes for a takedown that is stuffed and eats a knee.
However, in the chaos that follows, Oh was able to scramble to the
back of Takahashi. Oh can’t do anything and Takahashi gets back to
his feet. Neither fighter is doing much. Takahashi lands a solid
leg kick. Oh misses a jumping kick. Takahashi lands a kick as Oh
goes for an ill-advised takedown. The round ends with Takahashi
landing an overhand right. Another clear round for Takahashi, who
did all the damage. If this was under the Unified Rules, it would
be scored 10-9 Takahashi (29-28 Takahashi).
The Official Result
Ho Taek Oh def. Ryogo Takahashi via Split Decision; R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Back to kickboxing. Grigorian is aggressive early, walking down
Ozcan who is shelled up defensively. Ozcan tries to use a push kick
to create distance. Grigorian lands several solid leg kicks. A push
kick by Ozcan goes low but Grigorian decides to continue. Grigorian
working the body and finishing combos with leg kicks. Grigorian is
really punishing Ozcan, who is too focused on defense to strike
back during flurries. A nice uppercut by Ozcan lands. Grigorian
blocks a leg kick and counters with a nice right hand. The round
ends with Grigorian throwing. 10-9 Grigorian.
Round 2
Ozcan lands a nice jab to start the second frame. Ozcan again finds
success with the uppercut that slips past the guard of Grigorian.
Much better round for Ozcan, who is able to land a left hook to the
body and keep space with push kicks. Grigorian gets back into the
fight with some stepping knees and is working the body of Ozcan.
Grigorian starts throwing combinations but is focusing on his
hands, abandoning the leg kicks that were working earlier. Ozcan
scores with another uppercut and lands several punches to the body
before the round ends. 10-9 Ozcan.
Round 3
Grigorian comes out aggressively to start the final round. However,
Ozcan strikes back with a flying knee. Several knees from Grigorian
land to the body. Grigorian is mixing up his kicks but eats an
uppercut and several body shots. Best action of the fight right
here. Ozcan pushes Grigorian away with a kick and scores with
another uppercut. Ozcan keeps scoring with the uppercut. Some nice
body punches by Ozcan, who goes high with a kick. Ozcan is throwing
solid combinations and Grigorian is shelling up a bit. Grigorian
gets tagged but throws back with heat of his own. Ozcan is really
finding his momentum late and finishes strong as the round ends.
10-9 Ozcan (29-28 Ozcan).
The Official Result
Marat Grigorian def. Tayfun Ozcan via Unanimous Decision; R3,
Round 1
Radzuan immediately pushes Stamp against the cage and is looking
for a takedown. Radzuan lands knees and goes for a trip but it is
reversed. Stamp is able to get into mount but Radzuan scrambles
back to guard. Radzuan gets back up to her feet but goes for a
takedown again. Stamp is dragged to the floor. Stamp eventually
gets back up and the round ends on the feet. 10-9 Radzuan.
Round 2
Much better start to Round 2 for Stamp, who is firing off kicks.
Radzuan eats several leg kicks. Stamp is throwing accurate straight
punches. Radzuan misses on a takedown attempt and eats several
punches as punishment. A well-timed knee hurts Radzuan and Stamp
takes the back of her opponent. Stamp is looking for a rear-naked
choke but Radzuan is defending well. Radzuan escapes any immediate
danger but Stamp still has her back. Stamp gets too high and
basically ends the round in guard. 10-9 Stamp.