Developing Training

Развивающая тренировка в борьбе Developing training in martial arts Ежедневно в современном городе мы сталкиваемся с различными ситуациями криминального характера: нападение на улице, угон автомобиля, грабёж - вот неполный список того, что каждый день происходит на городских улицах. Daily in the modern city, we are faced with different situations of a criminal nature: the attack on the street, car theft, robbery - this is an incomplete list of what happens every day on the city ulitsah.

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GRAND STAGE GRATUIT DE KRAV MAGA Organisé par la Ligue de Paris et dirigé par Alain FORMAGGIO 5e Dan, diplômé d'Etat et membre de la Commission Nationale Krav Maga FFKDA Gymnase Elisabeth (Paris 14e) le 15/06/2013

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Martial Arts Training – MARIE IOD CENTER – Morocco

Nous vous avions promis des nouvelles de notre partenaire Lionel Picord, le Sugar Ray Leonard du Full-Contact, 7x champion du monde dans cette discipline et bien voilà aujourd'hui il se consacre à la préparation physique et mentale des athlètes tous sports, dans un cadre unique et paradisiaque à Oualidia au Maroc. Il est responsable sportif du Centre Marie Iod où il y organise régulièrement des stages dans différentes disciplines de sport de combats et d’arts martiaux. Voici donc un aperçu de ce qui vous attend là-bas, avec la participation exceptionnelle de Mehdi Ben Rabeh Vice-Champion de France de Jiu Jitsu et arbitre au Vic. Ce n’est que le début de l’aventure..vous êtes prêts à transpirer alors c'est parti !

Marie Iod center presentation: Marie Iod center is a center for energy recovery and sports for any athlete or person wishing to come to recover, in an idyllic place. We prop…

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How to Escape from Guillotine Hold COMBAT SYSTEMA

From the Publishers of the Professional Action Library: | COMBAT SYSTEMA | The Russian Martial Art of Hand-to-Hand Combat | with Kevin Secours Russian Systema traces its origins to various Cossack systems of the 10th century, including Gruntovsky, Buza, and Skobar styles. These styles were typically defined by the absence of rote memorization and fixed techniques. Later when the Soviet government commissioned the development of a research center for human maximization, the synthesized research in the Asian arts -- along with a consolidation of the most pertinent attributes of their indigenous Russian systems -- created various systems of combat purpose-designed to meet the demands of the modern soldier. These combat systems included sport sambo, combat sambo, and Samoz, which later evolved into Systema (or the "system"). The Combat Systema approach outlined in this video series was created by Kev…
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Carousel Shortcode [carousel source="media: 18,15,136,68,25" limit="20" link="none" target="self" width="600" height="100" responsive="yes" items="3" scroll="1" title="yes" centered="yes" arrows="yes" pages="no" mousewheel="yes" autoplay="5000" speed="600"] Slider Shortcode [slider source="posts: recent" limit="20" link="none" target="self" width="600" height="300" responsive="yes" title="yes" centered="yes" arrows="yes" pages="yes" mousewheel="yes" autoplay="5000" speed="600"] Gallery Shortcode [custom_gallery source="media: 68,16,15,18,19,12,22" limit="20" link="none" target="self" width="90" height="90" title="hover"] Dropcap Shortcode [dropcap style="flat" size="3"]A[/dropcap]Aenean eu commodo dolor. Sed ullamcorper varius urna, eget placerat justo ultrices id. Mauris justo velit, sollicitudin et libero non, auctor aliquet nulla. Sed nec porttitor lectus. Mauris et accumsan tortor, auctor adipiscing nisl. Vestibulum luctus adipiscing dui laoreet congue. Aliquam vitae dictum…
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