Veteran mixed martial artist Cedric Marks is one of two people charge in the death of a women in Minnesota 11 years ago, according to a report from the Associated Press.
Marks, who is facing charges for a double murder in Texas last year, has been charged with second-degree murder in Hennepin County for allegedly abducting and killing April Pease in 2009.Pease was the mother of one of Marks’ children and was allegedly involved in a custody dispute with the fighter.
Marks and Kellee Sorenson are charged with taking Pease from a domestic violence shelter in Bloomington, Minn. against her will. According to court documents, Marks killed Pease and removed her hands and teeth so the body couldn’t be identified. One of Marks’ wives told police the body was buried in North or South Dakota, according to the report.
The 45-year-old Marks last year was accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, 28-year-old Jenna Scott, and 32-year-old Michael Swearingin. Their bodies wer…