/Yogibo presents #RIZIN33\
:12.31(金) 14:00開始(予定):さいたまスーパーアリーナ:https://t.co/ulXsBcdRdO
チケット一般発売 12.12(日)10:00~フジテレビ系列全国放送:12.31(金) 18:00~#大晦日 #フジテレビ pic.twitter.com/cVBWZlFQ4R
— RIZIN FF OFFICIAL (@rizin_PR) December 9, 2021 Fans of Rizin Fighting Federation can breathe a sigh of relief as the traditional New Year’s Eve show in Japan is going big again.Per a press release from the league on Thursday morning, Rizin has made official a number of matches expected to take place on Rizin 33 on Dec. 31. In an announcement press conference helmed by Rizin head Nobuyuki Sakakibara, the travel ban implemented in Japan will allow for international competitors coming to the country until the year’s end. Additionally, the Saitama Super Arena will be allowed to fill to full capacity, up from the 50% past Rizin shows had been permitted by the government.
“We have been officially told th…