Sherdog’s live
Bellator 289 coverage will begin Friday at 5:30 p.m. ET.
Round 1
Our first match is refereed by Bryan Miner. Bell comes out throwing
and Scoggins misses with a head kick. Both bantamweights are
aggressive and a low blow pauses the action briefly before it
restarts. Bell lands several leg kicks. Scoggins kicks a leg and
gets Bell up against the fence. Scoggins has kept Bell up against
the fence for well over a minute. Both land knees to one another,
but neither is doing any damage. Bell finally reverses position
with 10 seconds left and the round ends uneventfully. 10-9
Round 2
A slow start but Scoggins gets a big takedown a minute in. Scoggins
holds on for a minute but does no damage. Bell escapes and lands a
knee to the body. Bell gets a takedown of his own and is in
half-guard. A small cut has opened above Scoggins’ right eye.
Scoggins is happy to play in guard with two minutes left. Bell
lands a solid elbow. Another cut opens on the top of Scoggins’ head
due to the elbow. Bell lands some elbows and hammerfists as the
round expires. 10-9 Bell.
Round 3
After some tepid stand-up, Bell tries to throw Scoggins but can’t
keep him down. Scoggins holds Bell up against the fence. It takes a
minute but Scoggins is able to take Bell to the ground. Bell
secures guard but can’t get up. Bell gives up his back temporarily
in an attempt to get up and gets to his feet. 90 seconds left. Bell
swings wildly before they clinch again. Bell goes for a takedown,
and Scoggins looks for a guillotine on the way down. Bell escapes
the choke and gets the back of his foe. Bell looks for a rear-naked
choke but gives up on it with 15 seconds left and throws strikes as
the round end. 10-9 Bell, who should take it 29-28.
The Official Result
Cass Bell def. Jared Scoggins via Split Decision (29-28, 28-29,
29-28); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
The second contest of the night is overseen by Kevin MacDonald.
Lemminger takes control of the center of the cage. He walks down
Lombardo, who is happy to pick his shots from outside and throw
swinging hooks. Lemminger keeps his punches straight and is
throwing tight combinations. Lombardo ups his rate with some solid
leg kicks. Lemminger catches a kick and takes Lombardo down.
Lemminger looks for a guillotine choke but loses it. Lombardo gets
to his feet and then takes Lemminger down. Lombardo can’t keep his
foe down and they reset on the feet. Lombardo gets through the
guard of Lemminger with his punches and is landing more as the
round goes on.
A big left hook clips Lemminger and the fight is stopped!
Impressive KO win for Lombardo.
The Official Result
Michael Lombardo def. Mark Lemminger via KO (Punch); R1,
Round 1
Kevin MacDonald is again the referee. Kamaka takes the center of
the cage. Boehm throws kicks but isn’t able to land cleanly. Kamaka
lands to the body with a powerful kick. Boehm barely misses on a
head kick. Kamaka lands a leg kick and is finding some nice success
at range. A left hook by Kamaka lands but he gets tagged by an
uppercut after toying with a takedown attempt. More leg kicks and
the round ends with a body kick for Kamaka. 10-9 Kamaka.
Round 2
A kick goes low by Kamaka as soon as the round starts but the fight
continues after Boehm gives the okay. A solid 1-2 lands for Boehm,
who has red welts on his pale body from the kicks. A desperate
takedown by Boehm is defended by Kamaka. More kicks for Kamaka, who
is in control. He follows a kick with a big right hand that lands.
Boehm is just eating leg kicks and has little defense. Kamaka gets
a takedown with a little over a minute left. Kamaka lands decent
shots and takes the back as time expires. 10-9 Kamaka.
Round 3
Kamaka is still in full control, landing leg kicks. He hurts Boehm
with a hook and continues moving forward. Boehm desperately goes
for a takedown but it is defended and Boehm ends up on the floor.
Kamaka throws strong strikes as Boehm covers up.
Kamaka works to the back and throws bungalows. The punches keep
continuing with little in terms of defense and the fight is called
off midway through Round 3.
The Official Result
Kai Kamaka III def. Kevin Boehm via TKO (Punches); R3, 2:23.
Round 1
Referee Blake Grice remains in the cage. Law is looking good on the
feet, landing his right hand as Lencioni showboats in the middle of
the cage. A left hook cleanly hits Lencioni. A nice jab lands from
Lencioni, who is constantly talking and mockingly laughing as his
nose gets reddened by punches. A nice body kick from Lencioni
lands. As the round continues the pressure of Lencioni is paying
off. A straight left from Lencioni drops Law, who then gets a
takedown against the fence. The final minute sees Law landing
punches from guard while eating short elbows from Lencioni, who
doesn’t try to get up from the bottom. 10-9 Law, but the momentum
on the feet was Lencioni by the end.
Round 2
Lencioni comes out just as aggressive as the first but gets taken
down pretty early in Round 2. Lencioni almost sinks in a triangle
choke but loses position. Law is on top but not winning this
grappling exchange by any means as he isn’t doing any damage. Law
gets to side control with half a round left. Lencioni goes for
another triangle attempt and gets back to guard. Law lands a solid
right hand, his best punch of the round. Law can’t get past the
guard of Lencioni. One minute left. Lencioni lands heel strikes as
Law gets to half-guard position. 30 seconds left and Law remains on
top for the remainder. It’ll be interesting to see how the judges
score this round but it’s 10-9 Lencioni for me, as he did enough
off his back.
Round 3
Lencioni works his jab well early. Law goes for a takedown and is
able to sit his opponent down. Law gets to half-guard and Lencioni
isn’t in a hurry to get up. Lencioni’s body language isn’t
promising as he just has nothing for the wrestling of Law. The
crowd is booing as Law isn’t doing much damage, and Lencioni isn’t
creating any action. Very boring round as it hits the halfway
point. Lencioni gives up his back and then gets up to his feet in a
scramble. Lencioni jumps for an armbar but Law slips out of it. Law
regains control and stays on top. Law ends the round on top,
landing small strikes. 10-9 Law, who likely takes a decision, but
neither man did much.
The Official Result
Cris Lencioni def. Cody Law via Split Decision (30-27, 28-29,
30-27); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Dan Miragliotta is the referee. Willis takes the center of the
cage. Crutchmer lands a solid leg kick but Willis counters with one
of his own. Neither man has found their rhythm on the feet yet.
Willis lands a solid jab. Willis keeps distance with a push kick A
nice 1-2 from Crutchmer. Willis is backed up against the cage by
Crutchmer. Willis defends the takedown well but eats a few knees.
Willis fires back with a solid knee of his own and the two are
broken apart by the ref. A nice jab by Crutchmer snaps back the
head of Willis. The best punch of the fight so far is a swinging
right hook from Willis that temporarily hurts Crutchmer, who holds
onto Willis. Crutchmer eats another shot and the two clinch against
the fence, separating with mere seconds left in the round. 10-9
Round 2
A more confident Willis comes out working his jab and punching the
body of Crutchmer. A left hand lands for Crutchmer. The two
high-five in the cage for some reason. The clinch up and Crutchmer
tries to walk Willis into the cage but can’t get it. The ref breaks
them up. Willis lands a solid 1-2 but isn’t able to hurt Crutchmer.
A nice hook from Willis wobbles his foe. Crutchmer charges forward
with a double-leg takedown but isn’t successful. One minute left
and they are once again up against the cage. They are separated
once again. Crutchmer lands a jab but once again finds himself on
the wrong end of a combination of Willis. Round ends and it’s
another 10-9 for Willis.
Round 3
Willis is firing in Round 3 and wants a finish. Crutchmer eats a
combination and goes for a desperation takedown that fails.
Crutchmer goes for another takedown but he isn’t setting them up.
It’s clear Crutchmer has no back-up plan. They are separated after
being up against the fence. Willis lands a leg kick and works his
jab. Crutchmer goes for a very sloppy takedown attempt and eats a
punch cleanly. Willis gets on top and works from guard with 90
seconds left. Willis allows Crutchmer up and lands a knee as he
stands. An uppercut for Willis barely misses and it is noted that
Crutchmer is 0-12 on takedown attempts. The fight comes to an end
and Willis clearly passed this test. 30-27 Willis.
The Official Result
Jaleel Willis def. Kyle Crutchmer via Unanimous Decision (30-27,
30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
The final prelim bout is overseen by Miragliotta. Both women come
out firing as Joanne isn’t afraid to strike with Kielholtz. The
center of the cage is taken by Kielholtz, who is looking to counter
as Joanne darts in and out with punches. A front kick misses for
Joanne. The two trade with Kielholtz landing as Joanne misses her
combination. Some really wild punching combinations from Joanne as
Kielholtz stays composed and throws straight punches. A left hook
visibly rocks Joanne. A series of left and right hooks land for
Kielholtz, who is taking over this fight. Another left hook lands
for Kielholtz. Joanne lands a left hook of her own, her best punch
of the fight. Joanne goes for a leg kick but eats an overhand right
as a result. 90 seconds left in Round 1. Kielholtz is stalking her
opponent. A wild exchange sees both women land and Joanne then goes
for a judo throw but can’t take Kielholtz down. The round ends
shortly afterward and it should go to Kielholtz 10-9.
Round 2
Kielholtz lands a counter left hook against an aggressive Joanne.
Kielholtz continues to. control the center of the cage with Joanne
landing shots but never the harder ones, as the counters of
Kielholtz are the story. Kielholtz throws a leg kick that doesn’t
quite land. Joanne goes for a takedown and gets it, although
Kielholtz gets right back up. Kielholtz then trips Joanne, although
the scramble ends with Joanne in top position. Joanne can’t do
anything on top and the fight is stood up. Kielholtz pumps out her
jab. The two women start wildly swinging, although neither
connects. The round ends after a spinning back fist from Joanne.
Closer round, but I’d go 10-9 Kielholtz, who is still landing the
better shots.
Round 3
Kielholtz is able to drop an aggressive Joanne, who is continuing
to punch wildly. Joanne goes for a single-leg takedown. Kielholtz
uses a whizzer to temporarily take the back of her opponent but
Joanne scrambles and ends up in the guard. Joanne isn’t able to do
anything as Kielholtz holds her, and the fight is stood up.
Kielholtz goes back to outstriking Joanne, whose lack of technical
striking is showing, and her power isn’t a difference-maker here.
90 seconds left. The two women clinch and Joanne reverses a trip by
Kielholtz. Every time Kielholtz tries to trip, she winds up on the
bottom. Joanne takes the back of Kielholtz. Joanne never comes
close to a choke and the round ends. Closest round of the fight.
10-9 Kielholtz, who still edged out the round despite Joanne having
some grappling success as she wasn’t able to do any damage.
The Official Result
Ilara Joanne def. Denise Kielholtz via Split Decision (29-28,
27-30, 30-27); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Bryan Miner is your referee for the main card opener. Rosta takes
the center of the cage and lands a leg kick. Adams answers back
with a kick of his own. A body kick for Rosta lands. Adams works
his jab. Very methodical start thus far but not boring. A 1-2 is
thrown by Adams, who is throwing some tight combinations. Rosta
lands a solid left hook that is the best punch of the fight so far.
Adams lands a thudding body kick. Rosta lands an overhand right and
is throwing with bad intentions. 90 seconds left. They exchange leg
kicks. A Superman punch from Rosta, who has found some momentum
late. A huge left hook whiffs for Adams. Rosta lands some leg kicks
before charging in with overhands. Adams catches Rosta with a left
hand but doesn’t do too much damage. 10-9 Rosta.
Round 2
Good start to the round by Rosta, who gets a takedown and is in the
guard of Adams. Rosta is able to get into full mount briefly. Adams
gives up his back. Rosta gets a hook in and is showing that he’s
the better fighter on the feet and on the floor. Adams eats a few
punches and is unable to get up. Rosta pulls Adams down and gets
both hooks in. Rosta is looking for a rear-naked choke with two
minutes left. Adams reverses and gets back up to his feet, landing
an elbow in the process. Neither fighter is able to do much in the
last minute. 10-9 Rosta, who is in full control so far.
Round 3
A strike goes low at the start of Round 3, and Adams has time to
recover. Adams comes out swinging hard punches, likely knowing he
is down. Rosta applies pressure but hasn’t landed anything notable
thus far. Adams lands a solid body kick. Rosta looks for a left
uppercut, which looks gorgeous but only hits air. Rosta lands a
body kick of his own. Rosta is getting a bit wild in the exchanges
as he hasn’t been punished for doing so. Round hits the halfway
point. Rosta lands a nice 1-2. Adams has lost any momentum and
isn’t throwing combinations. 90 seconds left. Adams goes for a
desperate takedown and is stuffed. Rosta takes the back and secures
his win by landing some damaging punches. Easy 30-27 for Rosta.
The Official Result
Dalton Rosta def. Anthony Adams via Unanimous Decision (30-27,
30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.
Bellator Bantamweight Grand Prix Semifinal:
Mix (135) vs. Magomed
Magomedov (134.4)
Round 1
This five-round semifinal will be reffed by Dan Miragliotta. Both
men meet at the center to start the fight. Mix tests the water with
some leg kicks and then begins throwing out his jab. Magomedov
lands a leg kick and avoids a flurry of punches from Mix. Magomedov
tries to charge in but can’t get past the jab of Mix. Magomedov
catches a kick of Mix and gets a takedown but lands up in a
guillotine choke. Mix flips over Magomedov and cranks on the neck
before rolling on top. Impressive display by Mix. Magomedov gets
back to his feet and stuffs a takedown by Magomedov. 30 seconds
left. Magomedov lands a lead left hook. 10-9 Mix.
Round 2
Mix throws a side kick to open the second frame. A nice body kick
from Magomedov lands before he clinches. Mix is able to disengage
and get free before peppering Magomedov with his jab. A left high
kick from Mix. Magomedov tries to charge forward but can’t connect
with the punches he throws. Magomedov goes for a takedown and gets
it, but
Mix catches a guillotine choke. Mix is really cranking and
Magomedov has gone completely out. Super impressive
win by Mix, who was in control the entire fight.
The Official Result
Patrick Mix def. Magomed Magomedov via Technical Submission
(Guillotine Choke); R2, 2:39.
Round 1
Overseeing the title fight is Kevin MacDonald. It doesn’t take long
for the two fighters to be clinched up against the fence. Carmouche
is in control, landing knees and foot stomps. Velasquez is able to
spin Carmouche around but is promptly put in the position she just
was in. It’s been three minutes of largely unimpactful clinch work.
Make that four. Carmouche finally drags Velasquez down and achieves
full mount with 10 seconds left, unable to do anything. Terrible
round but it was an easy 10-9 Carmouche.
Round 2
Seconds into Round 2 and Carmouche gets a takedown. Velasquez pops
back up, and they’re back to being clinched against the fence.
Velasquez lands some body punches and then pulls away, landing a
knee. Carmouche gets another takedown. Velasquez is trying to wall
walk and starts elbowing. However, Carmouche keeps at it and is
able to get into mount position with 90 seconds left. Carmouche
postures up and throws some elbows.
Carmouche then locks in an armbar and gets the tap! No
controversy this time.
The Official Result
Liz Carmouche def. Juliana Velasquez via Submission (Armbar); R2,
Bellator Bantamweight Grand Prix Semifinal:
Stots (134.4) vs. Danny
Sabatello (135)
Round 1
The referee for the main event is Blake Grice. Sabatello starts
with a body kick that lands. Stots misses a leg kick. Sabatello
goes for his first takedown attempt but Stots is able to stay
upright initially. However, Sabatello clinches against the cage and
is able to finish the attempt. Sabatello gets a hook in and takes
the back while looking for a rear-naked choke. Stots defends well
but is unable to get up. We reach the halfway point of the first
round. Stots is able to roll and escapes from the submission
threat. Sabatello still has control in north-south position,
though. A whizzer from Stots allows him to get back to his feet
with 70 seconds left. They’re clinched against the fence and
Sabatello lands some sneaky knees to the head. 10-9 Sabatello.
Round 2
Neither fighter can find their rhythm on the feet early in Round 2.
Sabatello goes for a takedown but it’s easily stuffed by Stots. The
jab of Stots is being thrown but nothing behind it. A nice left
hook lands for Stots, who then stuffs another takedown. Stots is
starting to find his rhythm. Sabatello is stuffed again and is not
setting up his attempts. Again, another takedown attempt is
stuffed. Stots is pressured against the cage, and Sabatello is able
to drag his opponent to the cage. Sabatello is in guard and holding
on for dear life. Sabatello starts to take the back but Stots gets
up. Stots lands some short elbows against the cage. Sabatello gets
another takedown and rolls for a back take. 30 seconds left. Stots
goes for a leg lock but Sabatello immediately slips out and gets in
top position. Sabatello was never able to do anything on top so the
superior striking of Stots evens it up 19-19.
Round 3
The third frame opens with Stots working his jab and countering a
body kick by Sabatello. 45 seconds in, Sabatello shoots for a
double-leg takedown. Sabatello blatantly lands an illegal knee
while Stots had one of his knees down. The position is broken up
but no point is taken. Stots is getting aggressive and stuffs two
more takedowns. Sabatello uses his front kick before getting
stuffed again. A Stots head kick is blocked. Stiff jabs from Stots
are getting through. Stots gets a takedown of his own and grabs the
back of Sabatello. Stots looks for a rear-naked choke briefly
before settling in side control. Sabatello gets to his feet and
Stots begins landing knees. Sabatello escapes and is able to take
the back of Stots briefly before settling on a headlock. The round
ends with them separating and Stots throwing a head kick. Another
10-9 round for Stots.
Round 4
We enter the championship rounds. Sabatello looks fresher but he’s
also down on the cards, so this will be interesting. Sabatello
lands a pawing left hook. A nice right hook by Stots lands.
Sabatello goes for a takedown, which is stuffed, but he throws a
knee and then goes for another takedown that is successful.
Sabatello just won’t stop until he gets the fight to the floor.
Sabatello secures a cradle but has done zero damage so far.
Sabatello starts taking the back but can’t get his hooks in. Two
minutes left in the round. Sabatello gets pushed back to guard.
Stots gives up his back but Sabatello rolls him back down and now
has a hook in. Stots reverses position with 70 seconds left and
gets back up. Stots throws a wild overhand right that misses.
Sabatello flashes his front kick and eats a left hand for doing so.
Stots needs to do more damage if he wants to steal the round, but
instead, he goes for a takedown that is stuffed. Sabatello lands a
solid knee before Stots throws a flying knee that comes nowhere
close. 10-9 Sabatello, and the fight is now even going into Round
Round 5
Sabatello is the fresher fighter and comes out smiling. Stots is
throwing his right hook and straight left hands. Sabatello shoots
and is stuffed. After struggling on the feet, Sabatello fails on
another takedown. Stots lands a good shot and Sabatello goes for
another takedown, grabs a leg and trips up Stots. Sabatello grabs
the back and is looking to get his hooks in. Stots drops elbows
while Sabatello just holds on, not doing anything. Stots is warned
for illegal elbows, so he thinks about going for a leg lock before
giving up. Sabatello is able to roll and keeps the back. 90 seconds
left. Sabatello has done zero damage and hasn’t threatened with any
submissions so far despite a lot of control time. Sabatello jumps
and continues holding onto the body of Stots. Just zero attempt at
a finish but Stots also has to do better at getting up as that’s on
him. 15 seconds left and Stots gets up. He misses another flying
knee and then eats a right hand from Sabatello. Very close round as
neither man managed to do much of consequence. Funny enough,
Sabatello’s best punch of the round came at the end after Stots got
up. I’d narrowly go 10-9 Sabatello, giving him a 48-47 victory, but
neither man made a statement or imposed their will.
The Official Result
Raufeon Stots def. Danny Sabatello via Split Decision (45-50,
48-47, 48-47); R5, 5:00.