Sherdog’s live
Bellator 283 coverage kicks off at 7 p.m. ET.
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Round 1
Bellator 283 begins with a 160-pound catchweight bout between
Archie Colgan and Bryan Nuro refereed by Steve Newport. Both men
take the center of the cage with Nuro throwing more punches yet not
connecting with anything of note. Colgan is able to start landing
his jab, which is piercing through the guard of Nuro. Colgan
continues to stun Nuro with jabs, then throws some hooks after
grabbing a clinch. A nice right hand to the body lands for Colgan,
who is in complete control. Nuro hasn’t been put in real danger,
but Colgan is in total control and dishing out damage that is only
accumulating further. A clear 10-9 in the favor of Colgan.
Round 2
Nuro comes out a bit more aggressive to start Round 2 by throwing a
head kick. Colgan goes back to the jab, which continues to be his
strongest weapon. Nuro lands a solid leg kick but continues to eat
jabs and now the right side of his face and nose are reddening.
Colgan catches a kick and throws a big right hand that barely
misses. More jabs pepper Nuro and Colgan follows it up with hooks
that slightly land. An eye poke to Colgan pauses the action but he
continues to fight after taking a moment. Colgan is working the
body and has fully taken over the fight again. The round ends with
Colgan landing a big right hand. 10-9 Colgan again.
Round 3
Colgan starts Round 3 by landing a huge left hand that drops Nuro.
Follow-up ground and pound damages Nuro, who is able to get back to
his feet. Nuro is opened up near his headline and blood is
streaming down his face. Colgan is in complete control, backing up
Colgan unloads, landing several hooks. A big right hand flattens
Nuro, who falls to the ground and the fight is stopped. A
dominant performance by Colgan.
The Official Result
Archie Colgan def. Bryan Nuro via TKO (Punches); R3, 1:50.
Round 1
Mark Coates is coming in heavy for this bantamweight bout against
Jaylon Bates. Reffing the second bout of the night is Frank Trigg.
Coates lands some nice leg kicks and defends a takedown attempt by
Bates to start the fight. Coates is taking center and eats a jab.
Coates is pressuring Bates and grabs a double leg but Coates gets
right back to his feet. Bates lands a light spinning kick to the
body and then a harder body kick. Coates is able to come forward,
connecting with both hands. Bates lands a jumping knee to the
midsection. Coates strikes back with a solid leg kick. It’s an
extremely even fight so far until Bates lands another jumping knee.
Coates retreats for a second but isn’t seriously hurt as he regains
his composure. Coates lands another leg kick and defends a head
kick. Bates is landing the flashier and harder strikes, while
Coates is workmanlike in his approach. The round is almost over but
Coates tries to go for a rolling thunder kick that comes up short
and hits Bates low. An impressive low blow but not a legal strike.
The round then ends. 10-9 Bates.
Round 2
Coates comes out aggressively in Round 2 and grabs the back of
Coates. They fall to the floor, but Bates winds up on top and gets
into the guard of Coates. Bates is able to scramble and takes the
back of Coates. Bates is landing nice punches to the head of
Coates, who attempts to scramble but gets both of his arms trapped
by Bates. Coates is able to escape and Bates looks for an omoplata
before standing back up. Coates is still on the floor eating leg
kicks and then Bates goes into the guard of his foe. Bates lands a
thudding elbow. Coates gets back up and looks for a takedown
against the cage as the round ends. 10-9 Bates.
Round 3
Coates opens the third frame by getting his first takedown. Bates
starts landing elbows and works back to his feet. They break and
Bates lands a nice knee, then takes Coates down. Bates is in half
guard and lands a knee to the body. Coates is able to scramble but
Bates looks for another takedown. Coates is able to trip Bates to
get top position on the ground. Bates is looking for an armbar but
can’t get anything and gets slammed for his trouble. Coates is
riding out the round on top, landing some small blows that aren’t
coming close to putting Bates in danger. Coates doesn’t have the
energy needed to win this fight. The bout ends with Coates raining
down punches but it’ll be too little, too late. 10-9 Coates, 29-28
The Official Result
Jaylon Bates def. Mark Coates via Split Decision (30-27, 28-29,
29-28); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
Roman Faraldo vs. Luis Iniguez, the first welterweight bout of the
night, will be overseen by Keith Peterson. Faraldo opens with a
thudding leg kick. Faraldo stuns Iniguez with a left hook. A
jumping knee nearly stands for Faraldo, who looks great so far.
Iniguez lands a solid jab. Faraldo opens up a cut on Iniguez, whose
nose is busted open. Faraldo lands a few more leg kicks, then
strikes with a solid right hand. Faraldo lands a left hook and
misses with another jumping knee. A big left hand lands for
Iniguez, who eats it well. Faraldo is pressuring Iniguez and eats a
jab to the body.
Faraldo is getting aggressive and lands a stellar straight left
hand that floors Iniguez. This fight is over with a clean
The Official Result
Roman Faraldo def. Luis Iniguez via KO (Punch); R1, 3:42.
Round 1
Kevin Boehm came in 2.6 pounds heavy for his featherweight bout
against Akhmed Magomedov. The referee is Jason Herzog. Boehm lands
a body kick as Magomedov takes the center of a cage. Boehm goes for
a takedown that is stuffed.
Magomedov is able to take the back of Boehm, who taps out to a
rear-naked choke. An easy win for Magomedov.
The Official Result
Akhmed Magomedov def. Kevin Boehm via Submission (Rear-Naked
Choke); R1, 1:16.
Round 1
The first lightweight bout of the night sees Gadzhi Rabadanov take
on Bobby King. The third man in the cage is Steve Newport.
Rabadanov comes out throwing jabs. Rabadanov lands several kicks
and then times a takedown after King attempts to counter. Rabadanov
is working from the guard of King, who is staying active and
controlling the wrist of his opponent. Rabadanov is able to get the
back of King temporarily, but the American works his way back to
his feet. The round ends with Rabadanov getting another takedown
and cementing the frame in his favor. 10-9 Rabadanov.
Round 2
King looks defensive to start the round as he doesn’t want to be
taken down. However, Rabadanov is able to back up his opponent.
Rabadanov eats a solid jab but is able to get a takedown in the
process. Rabadanov works to side control and is landing some small
elbows and punches. Rabadanov is in full control and begins working
toward mount. Rabadanov then takes the back of King and is looking
for a rear-naked choke. King is fighting the right hand of
Rabadanov and is able to escape. Rabadanov lands punches but gets
reversed by King. Rabadanov nearly gets an armbar to end the round.
10-9 Rabadanov.
Round 3
Rabadanov rocks King with a straight hand to start the final frame.
King gives up yet another takedown. Rabadanov advances to half
guard. Rabadanov is landing solid right hands and is in full
control. Rabadanov advances to full mount. Rabadanov is smothering
his opponent and landing small strikes. King is able to regain
guard but the round ends. 10-9 Rabadanov, who takes it 30-27 on my
The Official Result
Gadzhi Rabadanov def. Bobby King via Unanimous Decision (30-27,
30-27, 30-27); R3, 5:00.
Round 1
The night’s lone women’s mixed martial arts bout pits Veta Arteaga
against Vanessa Porto with Keith Peterson refereeing. Porto lands
several low kicks to begin the fight. Arteaga is walking forward
and is looking to brawl and throwing right hands. Porto is able to
sneak in a swinging left hand. Porto looks for a takedown but is
stuffed by Arteaga, who lands a knee on the way up. Porto counters
with a big right hand that lands cleanly. Another straight right
hand lands for Porto, who seemingly can’t miss as Arteaga walks
into punches. Arteaga pressures the veteran and lands several
straight punches, but then walks into another overhand right. Porto
is picking accurate shots but Arteaga is walking through the
punches and trying to overwhelm her opponent. A strong start for
Porto, although the veteran has slowed down as the round comes to
an end. 10-9 Porto.
Round 2
Arteaga begins swarming Porto, who is able to land a nice counter
right. Arteaga is throwing punch after punch, but the vast majority
are missing or hitting the guard of Porto. However, that level of
aggression could easily sway a judge as she’s much more active.
Arteaga lands an elbow that cuts Porto on her hairline. Arteaga
catches a kick of Porto and pushes her opponent to the ground.
Porto is fading and just isn’t active enough.
After eating a few body punches, Porto goes for a takedown with no
setup at all. This allows Arteaga to sink in a guillotine choke.
Arteaga tightens the grip and the tap arrives.
The Official Result
Veta Arteaga def. Vanessa Porto via Submission (Guillotine Choke);
R2, 3:47.
Round 1
The final prelim sees undefeated middleweights Romero Cotton and
Dalton Rosta battle. Overseeing the bout is Jason Herzog. Cotton
dives for a takedown but it is stuffed. Cotton lands a knee to the
groin of Rosta and the fight is paused for a moment. Action resumes
and Rosta lands a solid 1-2 combination on Cotton. Rosta is
advancing and throwing straight punches. Cotton fails on another
takedown event. Cotton counters a kick from Rosta with a nice hook
that staggers his foe. Cotton goes for another takedown but they
wind up against the fence. It’s a pretty even round, although
Cotton landed the best punch and the only really damaging blow.
Rosta misses a left hook and is looking for a right uppercut. The
round ends with Rosta advancing and coming close with punches that
miss. 10-9 Cotton.
Round 2
Cotton dives for another sloppy takedown and eats several punches
from Rosta, who is really finding his distance and landing solid
punches. While the first round was close, momentum is clearly in
the favor of Rosta. However, a knee by Rosta goes low and the fight
is paused. The fight is restarted and Herzog notes that they are
even on groin shots. Rosta lands a big uppercut and follows it up
with a series of hooks. Cotton is rock and falls to the floor
before getting up. Rosta continues touching his foe, landing small
yet damaging punches. Cotton is in trouble and needs a change in
gameplan. Another takedown is stuffed by Rosta, who then takes the
back of Cotton. Rosta lands several knees but Cotton gets back to
his feet. Another big right hand stuns Cotton, who goes for another
takedown and is stuffed yet again. Cotton really has nothing to
offer now. The round expires against the cage as Rosta lands a
right hand and several knees. 10-8 Rosta.
Round 3
Rosta opens round 3 with a solid left hand. They clinch and Rosta
lands several clean punches as they break.
A left hook is followed by a Superman punch that stuns Cotton. One
more left hook is all that is needed to put the lights out on
Cotton as Rosta stays undefeated.
The Official Result
Dalton Rosta def. Romero Cotton via TKO (Punches); R3, 0:38.
Round 1
Frank Trigg is refereeing this heavyweight bout between Davion
Franklin and Marcelo Golm. It is Golm that opens up with a leg kick
and Franklin answers back with one of his own. Golm counters a kick
from Franklin and takes his opponent to the floor. Golm gets his
opponent’s back but Franklin is able to stand. Amazingly, Franklin
then lifts up his opponent and slams Golm down. Franklin does a
second slam and is now landing damaging ground and pound from side
control. Big elbows land for Franklin, which allow Golm to get back
to his feet. Franklin looks for a guillotine and almost piledrives
his foe. Just wild offense by Franklin, who is slowing down a bit.
Golm has a huge cut over his right eye that likely came from the
elbows on the ground. Golm gets Franklin up against the fence. A
clear 10-9 round for Franklin, although he might have used too much
of his energy.
Round 2
A long pause as the cut over Golm’s eye is examined. However, the
fight is allowed to continue. Despite the break, Franklin has
little to offer and is clearly gassed. Golm is able to control the
fight in the clinch and is landing tight punches. Franklin is still
throwing big punches and high kicks, which are coming too slow to
land with frequency. Golm is walking down Franklin, who keeps
walking into the cage. Franklin lands a nice elbow before throwing
wildly and missing. Franklin is able to get a key takedown and
looks for a guillotine choke but is swept. Golm is now in side
control and landing punches. Golm gets into a crucifix but gets
turned over. Just a wild fight. Franklin lands lunging punches from
guard. A back-and-forth round but the tired Franklin was able to
turn the tides by the end and land the more damaging blows. 10-9
Round 3
Franklin has seemingly found a second wind. He comes out swinging
to open the final frame. Golm is able to pin his foe against the
cage and is looking to land knees. The crowd is behind Franklin and
chanting his name. Frank Trigg separates the fighters as Golm is
just holding onto Franklin. Golm walks into a left hook but is able
to close the distance. Golm clinches again and is controlling the
fight against the cage, yet doing minimal damage.
Franklin creates distance and fires a kick, which misses, and gets
taken down to it. Golm takes the back and locks in a rear-naked
choke. An exhausted Franklin taps out and Golm finishes the upset
late in Round 3. Excellent fight.
The Official Result
Marcelo Golm def. Davion Franklin via Submission (Rear-Naked
Choke); R3, 4:36.
Round 1
Christopher Gonzalez takes on Usman Nurmagomedov in the next
lightweight bout refereed by Frank Trigg. Nurmagomedov opens with
low kicks. Gonzalez is staying at a distance and is hesitant to
throw. Nurmagomedov starts snapping off head kicks but can’t
connect. We hit the halfway point in a very tepid round so far.
Nurmagomedov misses a teep kick and eats a leg kick as a result.
Gonzalez rushes Nurmagomedov and goes for a takedown.
Nurmagomedov is excited by the grappling exchange and trips
Gonzalez. Nurmagomedov locks in a modified guillotine choke and
quickly gets the tap. Nurmagomedov stays perfect with a strong
The Official Result
Usman Nurmagomedov def. Christopher Gonzalez via Submission
(Guillotine Choke); R1, 2:54.
Round 1
The welterweight main event is reffed by Jason Herzog. Jackson
takes the center of the cage. Lima has his right ankle wrapped but
is using it to kick. Lima strikes with a nice leg kick. Jackson
lands an overhand right but it doesn’t do much damage. Lima
continues to score with low kicks and lands a solid left hook
counter. Jackson dives for a takedown and slams the former
champion. Jackson is happy to work from guard and is landing small
shots. Just active enough to not be under any threat of being stood
up, yet not doing much damage, Jackson stays on top for the final
two minutes. 10-9 Jackson.
Round 2
Lima lands a nice leg kick to start the round. Jackson then goes
for a double leg takedown and throws Lima to the floor. Jackson is
sticking to his foe and landing knees. Jackson secures the takedown
and is back to controlling the action. Lima is able to secure an
armbar but Jackson escapes. However, Lima is able to smash Jackson
with an upkick to the face. Jackson is hurt but is able to stay on
top. Jackson is able to secure half guard and begins doing more
damage. Jackson spends the final 90 seconds landing short elbows
and right hands to Lima, who has little to offer. 10-9 Jackson.
Round 3
Early in Round 3, Jackson rushes Lima into the fence. Using a
whizzer to his advantage, the tides are surprisingly turned as Lima
gets a takedown. However, he allows Jackson to get up without much
of a fight of keeping him down. Jackson then returns the favor by
taking down Lima. Jackson stays in guard and is controlling Lima
while landing short elbows with his right arm. Jackson stays in
control for the rest of the round as Lima is happy to stall rather
than try to get up. Lima really needs to show something here as
this is dreadfully dull. 10-9 Jackson.
Round 4
Jackson gets yet another takedown. Lima has Jackson in guard and is
looking to stall. Jackson is landing small punches but not looking
to advance position any. Herzog looks at standing them up but
decides not to. Jackson continues to barely do any damage while
Lima shows zero urgency. Awful fight. Jackson is losing fans rather
than earning them here. Jackson stays in guard as the round
mercifully comes to an end. Lima seems checked out and Jackson
isn’t trying to capitalize in the slightest. 10-9 Jackson.
Round 5
Lima throws a right hand that misses to start Round 5. Jackson
changes levels and gets another takedown. Lima accepts his fate and
doesn’t try to use the cage on his back to get up. Fans are barely
booing, perhaps they’ve decided to leave instead or just have
accepted that they’re in for another five minutes of dreadful mixed
martial arts. Jackson lands light hammerfists. Lima closes his
guard, happy to just lay on his back. Jackson lands light punches
to the body. Lima briefly considers a butterfly sweep but realizes
that would be productive movement, so he closes his guard instead.
60 seconds left. Lima grabs the wrist of Jackson, who gets free and
lands one punch. 35 seconds left and Jackson lands two thudding
elbows, finally some solid damage. With 10 seconds left, Jackson
holds on, not wanting to actually hurt his opponent. It’s a clean
sweep, 10-9 Jackson. Ultimately, it’s 50-45 Jackson as both Lima
and the television audience take a decisive loss.
The Official Result
Jason Jackson def. Douglas Lima via Unanimous Decision (50-45,
50-45, 50-45); R5, 5:00.