Sherdog’s live
ONE Fight Night 17 coverage kicks off Friday at 8 p.m. ET.
Round 1
Barbosa opens with a leg kick. A nice push kick lands by Barbosa.
Saenchai answers with heavy leg kicks of his won. A big left hook
lands for Saenchai. Barbosa is composed and lands a nice body kick
before eating a right hand from Saenchai. Barbosa uses push kicks
to keep Saenchai at range. Very composed performance by Barbosa.
Saenchai unloads and breaks the guard. Saenchai throws a left hook
and lands a right uppercut in a combination. Barbosa gets caught
while trying to throw a leg kick. Saenchai is countering well and
now punching to the body. Nice low kick from Barbosa. The round
ends with a nice right hand landing for Barbosa.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Saenchai
Lev Pisarsky scores the round: 10-9 Saenchai
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Saenchai
Round 2
Nice body shots from Saenchai to start the second round. Barbosa
fires back some elbows that land. Nice left hook from Barbosa. The
two trade punches with each landing. Big right hand for Barbosa
lands. However, Saenchai starts walking down his opponent and going
to the body well. Barbosa keeps going for step-in elbows but is
standing too still and eating body punches. Saenchai eats a two
elbows and has a knot on his forehead. Barbosa lands a right elbow
that puts Saenchai down! Big knockdown. Saenchai answers the count
with less than 20 seconds left. Barbosa ends the round with
multiple elbows.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-8 Barbosa
Lev Pisarsky scores the round: 10-8 Barbosa
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-8 Barbosa
Round 3
Saenchai comes out aggressive despite the knockdown. Barbosa is
doing well with low kicks and push kicks. Saenchai is walking
Barbosa down and trying to fire back with elbows of his own. Nice
jab by Barbosa is followed up by a bunch of elbows. Saenchai puts
his guard down and begins retreating. He’s just eating body shots
and punches to the face. This could’ve been stopped, honestly.
Saenchai continues retreating and not fighting back. A body shot by
Barbosa puts Saenchai down, and this is over.
The Official Result
Ellis Badr Barbosa def. Thongpoon PK Saenchai via KO (Body Punch);
R3, 2:21.
Round 1
Puric opens with some nice leg kicks. Nhat is eating several and
stumbles. Puric stepping in with leg kicks and really throwing off
Nhat. Puric blocks a head kick but eats a right hand. Nhat ducks
out of the way of a nasty left hook. Puric swings wildly but can’t
connect. Some nice knees to the body from Nhat. Puric lands a right
hook. The final seconds see Nhat land a leg kick, dodge a right
hand and try to land a step-in elbow before eating a left hook.
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Puric
Lev Pisarsky scores the round: 10-9 Puric
Scottie Smith scores the round: 10-9 Puric
Round 2
Nhat lands a nice head kick. Puric comes out firing afterward and
starts throwing left and right hands. They wind up falling to the
ground and are separated. Nhat goes for a head kick that is
blocked. Puric punishes Nhat with a left hook afterward, and Nhat
goes down. Nhat gets up but isn’t steady, and the fight is waved
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
The Official Result
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
The Official Result
ONE Heavyweight Muay Thai Title Fight:
Kryklia (225.5) vs. Alex
Roberts (233.5)
Round 1
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 2
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 3
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 4
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round:
Round 5
Sherdog Scores
Tyler Treese scores the round:
Lev Pisarsky scores the round:
Scottie Smith scores the round: