養生氣功 Qigong for wellness
In Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing, the circular motions guide the internal flow of energy that comes with life. Internal energy is like blood. It is there in everybody by birth.
Energy is directed through the governing channels in the human body for internal balance.
Positive energy is gathered and built up to flow in order to clear blockages and strengthen the functioning of the internal organs, and make up the losses caused by wear and tear of everyday life.
The improved organ functions improve immunity, resist illness, revitalize rejuvenation ability. The special exercise methods relieve pain, ease stress and calm the mind.
The practice is simple and easy to learn with precise indications for building up a strong foundation. While the learning is easy, the benefits of this practice last a life time.
There are single movements for designated healing benefit.
Sixteen single movements form a practice for health holistically.
內功心法 藏於 鳳舞祥雲 書中
Inner thoughts are covered in the book “Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing”
駱偉民 Joe Lok
Founder of Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing qigong.