Jones had to defend his property on Sunday night, and he has
the video evidence to prove it.
In a video posted to his Instagram account, the former UFC light
heavyweight champion, carrying a shotgun, chases away an alleged
burglar from his property. The individual appears to be approaching
the vehicles — and even opens the door of one car — at Jones’ home
before the Albuquerque resident emerges from his garage to chase
him away.
The last part of Jones’ confrontation with the intruder as
described by the UFC star in his caption is not caught on
“Ended up tapping on this guys driver side window with the muzzle
of my shotgun last night. Next time you try to rob someone, make
sure you’re fast enough to out run them,” Jones wrote on Instagram.
“He’s lucky I’m smart enough to not shoot a man while he’s
retreating. People I know times are getting hard but your life
isn’t worth a few material possessions.
“What are your thoughts on this video, what would you have done
Jones last appeared at UFC 247 in February, when he defended his
light heavyweight crown with a five-round verdict over Dominick
Reyes. The Jackson-Wink MMA export has since vacated the
205-pound belt and announced plans to move to the heavyweight